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insumestime to hatch the big legend
Icymossimagine not being a purist and acting like route 0 isnt s thing (its not fear)
Killergunfuryyou gotta turn run automatically off????
NyraKyteno items or moves to up it currently
ZeroStarKainow, find the map I posted
NixcelpixRandom Chances
NixcelpixAnd yeah
NixcelpixOnly by Routes
NyraKytejust random chance
ZeroStarKaiturn in the air
MaximdracoQuestion, how does hordes work? At least in Retro Kanto?
NyraKyteImagine having to use exploit to beat route 0 Kappa
NixcelpixBye bye o&
Novengerty you too
wheresandshrewHave happy night and day!
wheresandshrewBye Novenger!
MaximdracoCoyote time means that, in the context of games, you won't gonna fall until the entire hitbox is on the void
Novengerok bye guys
ZeroStarKaisince I'm simply built better I can use coyote time AND a double jump to cross the 3 block gaps
samwichconlimonwile e. coyote
YonderdzMan it's gonna be a hot while from the looks of it before my little grub can evolve. :C
ZeroStarKaiyou've never seen a warner bros cartoon?
Killergunfurywhat is coyote time ;-;
ZeroStarKaiuse coyote time for the 2 block ones
ZeroStarKaionly run across the 3 block gaps
ZeroStarKaiskill issue
Killergunfuryi think snorlax is weighing me down Kai
wheresandshrewMany much sand! Yes.
NixcelpixDon't worry we understand
samwichconlimonfair enough sandshrew
Killergunfurythats fine
wheresandshrewMe am? Big sis tell me no share. Me am sorry.
ZeroStarKaiuse the trees to help you once you get back
AlroThe sand
ZeroStarKainot run into the void
Novengerlet's go i beat the boss chalker
ZeroStarKaiI said take your time
ZeroStarKaitake your time
Killergunfurysandshrew if you dont mind me asking where are you from?\
ZeroStarKaijust like that
✏mattgcnplease dont intentionally put yourself out of bounds
wheresandshrewCareful when fight Water Master. He am have Pokemon Water Absorb! Water no effect moves. Make Refhuge Surf no good. Me am needed using Corphish Nightslash to beat.
ZeroStarKaiactual frames
Killergunfury5-10 FPS????
ZeroStarKaiscrew this
YonderdzThank you
Killergunfuryits dubious disc
ZeroStarKaiI dunno maybe around 5-10 frames?
YonderdzI wish the database said what item Larvomit needs to hold to evolve. :C
Killergunfurywdym "bit tight"
ZeroStarKaiit's a bit tight
ZeroStarKaithat is coyote time
Killergunfuryur jumping in the void Kai
ZeroStarKaiwe have coyote time
ZeroStarKailittle tech for you, fury
ZeroStarKaion the way
wheresandshrewMe am have use Refhuge Summer Island. Lose many time until win!
KillergunfuryKai send help
dylancadenmy party is chainite testicle missing no, delibird and johnson fish
Icymossty ty ^^
dylancadenThis game is not real.
wheresandshrewMust fight very scary strong 6 team Water battle no item to get.
IcymossOh hell yea I forgot the masters thing got added
wheresandshrewIs from Water Master HUB!
Icymossssandshrew were is your skin from????
ZeroStarKaioh fury's doing route 0 now?
AlroSurf south in the hollows
peacewinghow doth one get the gulloton
peacewingu lucky duck
legixtmIt's funny that they're rare. The first thing I ever fished up in Harsholme was Gobbeel.
KillergunfuryOMG I DID IT BUT FELL
peacewinghope n pray
NyraKytenope just rare