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insumescan someone please answer my question
Terabytethe Paow or what its name is
DiamondseekOh yeah, that
TerabyteYeah with the event distribution
DiamondseekGlitch? There's no glitches in this game
TheNewKingBretwill stay with guys then
MaskedToastmaybe after
MaskedToasti'm trying to figure out the glitch rn
ZeroStarKaitime to see how strong the test is
ZeroStarKaialright, got the 4 oricorios
TheNewKingBrettoast you coming too?
ZeroStarKaithey work like normal tms, so you can erase them
insumesif i need an easter island togepi to finish this region, where do i get one
Enixtydo i have to teach my pokemon hms?
TheNewKingBretto mewtwo now lmao
insumesthis guy is ignoring me, ok.
TheNewKingBretgoing to stop doing the trade thing then
insumesoutrageouscake do you know how to get an easter island togepi
★Azria ★we're checking the glitch
★Azria ★or drag them to the screen
TheNewKingBretclick on the box with them
ZeroStarKairight click -> take out of ball
Terabytehow can pokemon follow you?
TheNewKingBrethello Roughknight
Terabyteyo wsp roughknight
TheNewKingBretAzria can you give a paow it glitch out for them?
TheNewKingBretwait hold up Azria is here
insumesyo outrageouscake
TheNewKingBretthe main game screen
TheNewKingBretit look like pokeball you might need to move your screen fast
Enixtylooks like incarnate of covid
TheNewKingBreti see the pidgey
Terabyteit isnt letting me put it for trade
Enixtywhat the hell is this zubat?
TheNewKingBretlook for the trading box
TerabyteNot letting me trade
TerabyteHold on
insumeshow do i get an easter island togepi
TheNewKingBretok with anything
TerabyteI dont have anything in my box
TheNewKingBretgot coming back now
MaskedToastnot there either
TerabyteI dont have anything in my box
TheNewKingBretwait in the other pc
MaskedToastdw i think it'l get a fix
TheNewKingBretit no problem
TheNewKingBretI can give one of my mine
TheNewKingBretdid you get it?
MaskedToastthe same hapened to me
Enixtyok how do one get it?
TerabyteI can't move :sob:
TerabyteI got glitched out
TheNewKingBretokay sound good
Enixtycan anone get the event mon?
insumesdo you just randomly hatch a togepi?
TerabyteAlright im coming
Hollowarcoh my god theres a maze at the end of cloudia
TheNewKingBrethello again
Terabytealright hold on
TheNewKingBretTerabyte I wait for ya
Araimawhich isn't a friendship evo
insumeshow do i get one of the native togetics?
Araimait has to be an Easter Island Togetic
TerabyteBro i accidentally went into a battle :sob:
AraimaA normal Togetic won't work
Enixtydid this mf just gave me a clown outfit?
AraimaI'd love to see an "event" traner in the hub who specializes in bird type mons on april fools xP
insumesI need a togetic to fight the caretaker
MaskedToastleft island at the top
TheNewKingBreti can show go to the hub
MaskedToastPaow glitched and now i don't have it ;;
TerabyteHow do i claim the event pokemon
DiamondseekIf it's the golden Togepi, it's not a friendship evo