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demonycand then tere is a treasure hunt
Shrewstormi wanna actually battle things tho
Pokebioonce you have all the ones on the island you go on a treasure hunt
demonycyou walk arround catching pokemons
Icymossits got moss
Shrewstormwhat do you do in summer island
Pokebioit's a short region but fun
wizzardmon98legit only need unown l haha
Pokebiosummer island
Pokebioyou should do summer
RezzyTheGamerretro kanto
Shrewstormwhere should i go now
Shrewstormright im done with harshholme and rica for now
Kaijukenwheere is the last assistant? ^^
ZeroStarKairate the setup in the discord
ViralMagnumTyphlosecond is between 500 KB
ViralMagnumTyphlofirst limit is images between 250 KB or below
ViralMagnumTyphlobecause you can upload bigger images
demonycbut yeah no perms
demonyci found a pretty balanced setup too
Pokebiowhy does it increase after you  bought it?
demonyci see
BradydragonshadeThat worked thank you I was just reloading when I ran into problems before
Pokebiooh god
ViralMagnumTyphlo5000 ppp then 10000 ppp
Pokebiohow many points for image perms?
ZeroStarKaiactually, I'mma just send it in the discord
demonychow do you send an image?
ViralMagnumTyphloyou lack upload limit from shop LOL
ViralMagnumTyphlotry /unstuck
ZeroStarKaiI would share my setup except no image perms
BradydragonshadeHey I got this glitch in retro Kanto where I’m just walking over everything and can’t interact with anything
ViralMagnumTyphlomy pc is ancient and runs bad when zoomed :'c
xsweatersxthats such a small game window wow
ViralMagnumTyphlothat's my set up in pc
ViralMagnumTyphloeach time i right click the widgets it opens with priority like a small notepad, cool 56042_d445ce213c892b2f.png
ViralMagnumTyphloi use this LOL
Zigzalkaijuken i can send a screenshot of what i would recommend as a setup for all the windows
Kaijukenyou guys are awesome! thanks a lot!
Zigzaloh n i c e
DaltonisMultiple use but region locked
Zigzali just used toxic and it didn't disappear
ZeroStarKaiNo, Zigzal
ZeroStarKaiif you have the Help widget, it should tell you this
Zigzalare TM's one use only?
ZeroStarKaiyou can move your widgets around with the right mouse button while dragging them
Kaijukenthan i play just with a half of screen ^^
ViralMagnumTyphloin the configuration
Zigzalright click the corner and drag
ViralMagnumTyphloescape >> zoom
Kaijukenthe play screen is too snall or just too bog
ZeroStarKai(or just right click the ball)
ViralMagnumTyphloopen your back with right lick -> drag a pokeball from your bag to the battle screen during your turn
demonycdrag the ball to the main screen
Zigzalthen drag pokeball into battle window
ZeroStarKairight click -> open to open your bag widget
Zigzalright click bacpack and open
ViralMagnumTyphlopc or phone?
ViralMagnumTyphloin a battle, throw them da pokeball
Kaijukeni cant even get to my bag
Kaijukenhow i can catch a pokemon? ^^
xsweatersx460 BST and ignores stat changes of other pokemon, when attacking it
ViralMagnumTyphlothe train of rats, the train of rats
xsweatersxoh wow. HA Leaflow. is strong.
RezzyTheGamerjk though
xsweatersxhe was just explaining what ptsd meant lol
TheNewKingBretyou would most likly have to make new sprites to match the art.
ViralMagnumTyphlodude, take it easy and go drink water
xsweatersxthats a pretty good explanation actually
RezzyTheGamersomething bad happened to me and that something is effecting me mentally
★Coonae ★my sprites are definitely not gonna look good if they're just recolored
ViralMagnumTyphlorecoloring may dosen't work, gb uses 3 color palettes, modern pokemons that we usually play with has between 6 or 7, maybe more
TheNewKingBretthat a crazy amount
TheNewKingBretso 3200 sprites at most and  1600 the at the least
RezzyTheGamerpost traumatic stress disorder
Aman200726What's ptsd
★Coonae ★overworld
Zigzalwhy are pokemon 4 sprites? ik icon, front, and back, but what's #4?
ZeroStarKaitime to die
RezzyTheGamerim getting ptsd
RezzyTheGamerI'm against a hitmonchan in battle factory