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Nixcelpixi only found like 6 or 9
TheNewKingBretin the water?
Nixcelpixis very rare
NixcelpixYes, i notice it when surfing
TheNewKingBretreally that at effort island?
ViralMagnumTyphloi traded a carrot bunny from easter island for a goomy
NixcelpixRare encounter
NixcelpixHUB - Effort Island (Water)
NixcelpixThanks Viral!
TheNewKingBretwhat pokemon?
Nixcelpixthere you go!
ViralMagnumTyphloin exchange for the electrizer you gave me on my birthday UwU
Nixcelpixhold on i will found something to trade
ViralMagnumTyphlogot an extra
ViralMagnumTyphloi'm not sure if you have one already but still
xsweatersxwhat a beast
TheNewKingBret2100 so  far
NixcelpixSnorlax wanna live
ViralMagnumTyphlois spamming rest
ViralMagnumTyphlothis snorlax don't wanna be defeated
NixcelpixWaiting in the fountain
NixcelpixHold on, i will go to the HUB
ViralMagnumTyphloit's indeed a pokemon
ViralMagnumTyphloi have something for ya
xsweatersxbyebye zigzal
NixcelpixBye Zigzal
Zigzalgonna be off for a while, cya guys
Pokebiofound a way to fix it by clicking on the ennemy  pokemon
GemWolfZhappens to thr best of us
GemWolfZadjust your mouse position yeah
ZeroStarKaiis your mouse on top of its partner?
xsweatersxyour cursor may be resting on it
RezzyTheGamermaybe you have your mouse over it
Pokebiohelp I'm in a double battle and for some reason my pokemon only wants to attack its partner
NixcelpixThanks everyone n n
xsweatersxhi hi pix wb
xsweatersxthanks tho
xsweatersxfor now just gonna work on hub safari unlocking while they walk behind me i guess
NixcelpixI'm here! Again
NixcelpixHello everyone!
GemWolfZwinning battles apparently doesnt raise friendship. using items does tho so idk maybe between fighting with them you can use a buncha potions
PokebioI'm glad I discovered pokengine oit's so fun and I can aslo realise my dreams on it
xsweatersxyeah, those are one per day tho right
ViralMagnumTyphloeating tacos and tarter fries helps
ViralMagnumTyphloleveling up aggresively does add a few friendship points
xsweatersxanything else that affects friendship besides walkingm talking, etc? does winning battles help much?
ViralMagnumTyphlolooks perfect to me
Zigzalmy clefable has cosmic power, moonlight, toxic, and stored power. should i make any changes?
xsweatersxok ok ty
TheNewKingBretthat all you can do for now
xsweatersxor should i explore more
xsweatersxok ok. i assume turning the valve does nothing, and the other gate remains locked?
xsweatersxhub sewers is unfinished, correct?
ZeroStarKaiyou'll get used to it, Pixie
TheNewKingBretat 2024 encounters
Pixieim just not that good at changing direction mid air
ZeroStarKaiyou mean route 0?
GemWolfZyou doing bills gauntlet?
Pixiethats what i do
RezzyTheGamergotta do it on bike
Pixiecant make the jump
Pixiei keep falling at the end
RezzyTheGamerpixie which part are u on
Icymossthats not very rizz... sleepmaxxing????
Pixieim so tired of this...
Shrewstormdkw im just going to boro
TheNewKingBretgot to keep going
Pokebiosmall region but it has a few battle
IcymossBoro is a good region for fights
Pokebioso you should dào easter then