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★Coonae ★then multiply that by the almost 400 mons i have in korza
★Coonae ★each mon is technically four sprites per mon, but the overworlds are technically 4-8 different sprites themselves
✏mattgcni mean, you'd still have to make the other sprite
TheNewKingBretthe would be a coold*
TheNewKingBretthat would a be color idea coonae and you have to make less sprites then
✏mattgcnbut yeah i agree that it would be better if it was the "same" mon, but with a graphics toggle
★Coonae ★yeah i'm always open for modern versions of my mons to be made for events or other things, like rica has one of korza's mons in it
Pokebiohonestly that couyld work if your project is far enougfh you could request switching retro to modern$
demonycwhy cant you just have both sprites together?
ViralMagnumTyphlonot a system but more like redo all the sprites to modern era looking ones and make the game swaps them (?)
TheNewKingBretyea sound like a lot of hard work
★Coonae ★it's just a loooooot of work
★Coonae ★and then i would have to have the entire set of modern sprites made for every mon again
✏mattgcnat least we have the couple of "event" ones from summer island
demonyci think thats the more interesting part of this game
★Coonae ★the only way i'll be able to have global will be if we make an entire form system for switching retro to moden graphics
✏mattgcni get it yeah
DraBansheedoes Sketch work?
demonycwelp thats a shame
Pokebiooh but global pc is cool , I want to trrake my faavorites out of there. Tho I respectr your point of view
ViralMagnumTyphloit's their decition, not us
xsweatersxhidden ability sunole hatched letsgoo
★Coonae ★me and most people doing dev don't want the crossover of style, it's too clashing
demonycplease have global pc
★Coonae ★yeah i'm not going to have global pc in korza, probably ever
gunchybeen talkling to it
ViralMagnumTyphlotalk to the rock
gunchyhow do i use rocksmash on a rock? ive used the TM
Kaijukeni refresh the site, thx
★Coonae ★sometimes my game will think i'm still in the chat window and my inputs won't work or will make the chat scroll at the same time, so if you press enter back and forth it kind of fixes it
ViralMagnumTyphloit's fine if you can't make global pc in the end when you're project is done, i bet the adventure you're trying to deliver us in the future will worth it, so yeah! i give all the luck i can has
★Coonae ★then make sure it's back on the game window and see if that works
xsweatersxwhen first starting out you may need to reload the page once. either that or type /unstuck
Pokebioignorance is a blessing as peopole say
★Coonae ★try selecting in the chat input, and pressing enter back and forth a couple times
ViralMagnumTyphloi won't mind seing retro sprite pokemons next to normal modern looking ones, it gives more the sense of crossover between generations literally
Kaijukenyes i am on deskotp
TheNewKingBretI can't wait see how your region turn out coonae!
DaltonisKaiju if you're stuck either type in /unstuck in chat or refresh the page
Zigzalwhile i like the idea of new people being able to experience this game, i hope the community stays small
ViralMagnumTyphloso it won't conflic once you travel thourh other regions
★Coonae ★kaijuken are you on desktop?
ViralMagnumTyphlodiference is that the pokemons in retro maps still uses modern looks
Kaijukenhey, i cant move. why is that?
PokebioI think that currentloy the community is so sma&ll that everyone is very open minded
TheNewKingBreti like what Jext did with retro area. im into retro games/maps
ViralMagnumTyphlothis community is pretty chill
ViralMagnumTyphloeven if you don't match your specific public age rate, your work will be highly apprecaited
★Coonae ★the younger ones are the ones more likely to not care for the retro style
★Coonae ★well i didn't say all of the players are young lol
ViralMagnumTyphloyea im not young
★Coonae ★i'm constantly worried that the younger players won't care for retro stuff so it makes me happy when i hear people like my work
xsweatersxyeah ive got the both of them and two eggs trailing behin dme
TheNewKingBretKeep it up!
ViralMagnumTyphlothey enjoy that x3
ViralMagnumTyphloremember to take them on a walk
★Coonae ★thank you
xsweatersxnah its all good hes already at 146 and im doing ciguapo too in the meantime
TheNewKingBretI like what see so far!
ViralMagnumTyphloi can help you with that
xsweatersxno worries i just wanted to test it out to be sure since there were two opinions
ViralMagnumTyphloso, sweater, want me to raise your mightero friendship?
ViralMagnumTyphlosorry! i warned
RezzyTheGamergot yveltal, zeraora and terrakion in battle factory
xsweatersxall good tho, back to grinding it is
xsweatersxi gave my mightiro three pomeg candies and it did indeed NOT raise the friendship
TheNewKingBretat 1858 but yea
DaltonisStill at it I see
TheNewKingBretpokemon have new following spirites let goo
Zigzalthats insane for like 3 colors
RezzyTheGamermy game froze and gotta reset
ViralMagnumTyphloi love the style
ViralMagnumTyphlothis spritework is awesome
xsweatersxRezzy why did you dm me hello and then leave the dm lmao
Pokebiomy fav is hermina
xsweatersxalso heres korza for those looking
ViralMagnumTyphlostill, that can be object to change, i should ask again in discord x'd
Killergunfuryaight cya all
ViralMagnumTyphloi tested them out, the description it's kinda missleading
xsweatersxhmm conflicting info but since i have bp anyway ill just test it out
ViralMagnumTyphlonope, they only reset ev