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Alb, Lag_Altrash, TheFuriousHawk, Whitescorpion, Marichu, ikaliu, PG55, angstyx, Greywhoose, AerisIII, Jext ★, Sincubus, ShadowFromNorth, PoweredPhil, legixtm, RS3PT, kyledove ★, Tranzx, ZeroStarKai ★, claush, halfkin, OktoLK, ViralMagnumTyphlo, dawnishdays, JDop, Jhosuejskjsk, Scravo, darkeryetdarker, april, tetrislicious, xBlackBerry, archen11, Viccer, blue_busia, ginko724, TerraNightgale, Fazecillo, IsaMO, Koalabeaver, deathking10, WyrmPrince, Betamon, Rhazzy, Whodadman, JaneJewel, Zaxarone, marcusm10116, OutragousCake, Poppzilon, Auzzie, LukeSolas, Kendal_979, Kuechenhubert, Nikl, Terry0812, Saif4k4, Shokie, Zoroasther, Kvothe8, Ducklightyear, TurtleRao, MelodyKodama, Jariii, Peruano777, inuji, Jack2103, KobusKobus, JPSylvy, Aceheart, KeklestheClown, SnomQueen, Drakfix, Izaya, Killergunfury, Papita321
ZeroStarKaithey're just super powered versions of the berries, they give friendship
Killergunfuryim doing one more encounter and then i gotta go back to work
ViralMagnumTyphloit's mostly to reset the pokemon's EV
ZeroStarKaiall of those candies give friendship
ViralMagnumTyphlonone of the candies doo
Pokebiowill they be transferable to other region ?
ViralMagnumTyphlodoes not increase friendship
Pokebiowow it looks cool
xsweatersxquick question here, someone mentioned friendship candies in the hub. thats the fruit punch candies right? for bp
Pokebiooh yeah I forgot paldea was also claimed
★Coonae ★its icon is purple, pink, and blue
★Coonae ★go to the page of dexes and find the one that says korza
Killergunfuryim still working on ideas and planning for my region :(
Pokebiocan you tell me where the dex is please :D
★Coonae ★i'm not sure what you mean... it's part of paldea right?
Pokebioalso out of all the region and zone claimed I'm suprised area zero wasn't claimed
★Coonae ★i have all of the pokemon sprited already so you can look at the dex!
★Coonae ★my region is korza
Pokebiocan't wait top see the retro region
★Coonae ★so i'm not quite sure how to answer your question about the region and dex stuff yet
Killergunfuryand new regional minior
xsweatersxoh jeeze
★Coonae ★pokebio i'm not the retro johto person, but i am also asking the other staff about the new submission requirements; i think the wording may be outdated now since we updated how the site system works overall (pretty recently)
ZeroStarKaihe's been afk in there since yesterday
Killergunfuryi got new Palossand evo
Pokebiowhat's your region?
xsweatersxi love how jext has been afk in the hub airport from all the way this morning lol
PokebioI enjoyed a lot alola
KillergunfuryGen 7 fans are gonna love my region lol
WakoDoodleBlue eyes white dragon is my favourite pokemon starter
Pokebiooh okay
ViralMagnumTyphloyou make a bunch of mons, give the pokedex an name, and that's it LOL
PokebioI fricking love yokai watch
Killergunfurythe day Icy gets their shiny is the day the world ends
PG55made out of LETTERS
ZeroStarKaiPG he gets it now
PokebioI knew you could make a rezgio nwithout pokedex but like how do yoàu get the pokedex if they don't have a region
WakoDoodleactually yokai watch would be perfect as a fakemon
ViralMagnumTyphloand you can make a region without a pokedex
PG55n u m b e r
wizzardmon98number is a 6 letter word
ZeroStarKaiNumber is a 6 letter word
TheNewKingBretcoonae are you currently working on any region right now?
WakoDoodlecrazy idea but how about... monster rancher region?
ViralMagnumTyphlolmao, pokebio, you cna make a pokedex without a region
Pokebiowhat retro are you making?
wizzardmon98im stupid
xsweatersxlol get rekt PG
xsweatersxnah it was someone else who would like to make retro jotho
wizzardmon98the only thing i can think of is number means the place in the alphabet is the amount of rocks in the room
Pokebioor you are the retro johto ?
Killergunfurywell your not getting Playdoh Typhlo so dont ask
PG55youre a Dev??
★Coonae ★i'm developing a retro fakemon region
Pokebioquestions I saw that you could make collection without a region , how do you get them if they don't have one?
xsweatersxooooh cool
★Coonae ★i'm a site admin/discord staff
xsweatersxRIP Coonae comp
ViralMagnumTyphlonah it's fine
KillergunfuryTyphlo ill trade you Driptonian G for something good
archen11well wizardmon, you do need to catch all 28 unown anyway so you can do that while you figure out the hint
★Coonae ★SORRY my comp literally just died on me :sob:
ZeroStarKaijd got 2 shinies within an hour I'm sure he's fine
KillergunfuryJD reading chat and crying rn
wizzardmon98the index cave hint confuses me haha
Pokebiooh okay
xsweatersxyou can leave as soon as youve been inside the manor
ZeroStarKaiyou can leave once you beat the guards outside the manor
PG55(just act naturally)
Pokebioguys I just went in borovia is true that you can't leave until you beat it?
PG55(someone with a premium account!)
xsweatersxwhat kinf of mod/dev are you Coonae? :D weve never met efore
ZeroStarKaiHey coonae
TheNewKingBrethi coonae!
xsweatersxand hi coonae
Pokebiooh okay
xsweatersxhello playdoh
xsweatersxLive Leaks
★Coonae ★example :)