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NixcelpixI spy everyone
Pokebiocongrats for the shiny ponyta
PrimalTy! How did u know
NixcelpixOh, yeah, Congrats Primal you get Shiny Ponyta!
RezzyTheGamerit's my iveltal vs xerneas on the 4th boss lol
ZukukuzuAh there we go, I was a dumdum
ZeroStarKaiIt has straight hands
Pokebiothis region better have a legendary to lmake up for the level  curve
ZukukuzuTrying to get into the deepest part tbh
ZeroStarKaiyou'll wanna collect more for the post game, though
ZukukuzuNope, I am cursed to wander aimlessly
NixcelpixYou want help?
NixcelpixNo escape rope Zukukuzu?
Pokebiooh yeah I need 20 right ?
ZukukuzuBeen stuck inside Draeguntale Cavern for days hah
RezzyTheGameraurorus gonna sweep me
ZeroStarKaiRemember Poke, you'll need to collect the souls of the damned to earn an audience with the count
RezzyTheGamerI have the ai just pressing random moves lol
ZeroStarKaiAh yes, the sacrifice
PokebioI hate mini regions level curve
RezzyTheGamerthis is horrible
RezzyTheGamerI switched heatran into earth power
RezzyTheGamerim in the 4 boss in battle factory
RezzyTheGamersecond floor bottom
ZeroStarKaiyou've got a LONG time before you meet the count
Pokebioquestion I just entred the borovia  mansion where  do I meet the count?
RezzyTheGameryo semeone has a brthday in discord go say happpy birthday
ProfessorPso killing spree it is
ProfessorPpretty sure im gonna die if i kiss her
ZeroStarKaior... take it on a walk, if you wanna be boring
ZeroStarKaiand a lot of potions
Krownocsby turning it into a murderer
ZeroStarKaigrow stronger
ProfessorPhow do i get this bud friendship tho?
GemWolfZfriend harder
Krownocsjust keep punching stuff
RezzyTheGamerneed happy
ZeroStarKai220 friendship
NixcelpixYour budew have 201 of hapiness
ZeroStarKaihas to be day
Pokebioit needs friendship to evolve
ProfessorPbudew just dont evolve... any help?
Pokebioquestion are all normal pokemon obtainable?
TheNewKingBretim planning to get a shiny Nephelith next
TheNewKingBretthat cool
aprili wanna see them
apriloh i meant as in im doing the trials out of curiosity
DaltonisCool cool I'm looking to do a Kanto Nuzlocke after I finish HS
aprilalso out of curiosity
ZukukuzuShadows of Almia was my fav out of the games, even with the long intro
aprilthe trials
aprilim doing it for the clout mostly
Pokebioloved pokemon ranger
TheNewKingBretDaltonis im going to clouda next if get this gulluton
ZukukuzuI suddenly feel like playing Pokemon Ranger, also hi
Pixieim at trial 8 so i dont think there really is much left. guess ill just get to the end
Pixieoh thats cool
ZeroStarKaithe mods might GIVE you an item
Pixiewait so you dont even get a item?
RezzyTheGameronce you finish send prove to jext
ZeroStarKaimew is behind that line of cut trees in celedon
RezzyTheGamermew is in another castle
Pixiewhat about mew?
ZeroStarKaiyou get nothing
Pixiewait what
Pixieyeah but dont you get something good at the end?
Pokebiowouldn't it be repetitive with sinnoh amready being here?
xsweatersxits a completely optional path tho...
Pixiehope the dev doesnt do something like this for neo sinnoh and retro hoenn
Pokebioxitrerok kee^s poppping in and out of existence
PokebioI think there is a ghost player
ZeroStarKaito be fair if he had to deal with the switch puzzle I wouldn't blame him
xsweatersxcute :mon_00317wve:
RezzyTheGamerbeta tester was a lille bich
Pixiei heard that route 0 was in the original pokemon games, but game freak removed it because it made the beta tester cry
ViralMagnumTyphlo*haha, thank you, Come back anytime*
ViralMagnumTyphloit will be a FINE ADDITION TO MY COLLECTION
TheNewKingBretim stuck in the cave for bit so cant look for it now lol
NixcelpixYou welcome!
TheNewKingBretnice to know thank you :3