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ngoomiegermany is decommissioning all their nuclear rn
ngoomieyea lol
PG55oh build in *Germany*?
ngoomieespecially not if its a nucelar reactor
demonycits ilegal to biuld in germany
meowstivalLads im so tired that my eyes are struggling to blink
demonycyou dont
PG55how do you build something in German?
cadavrenvotez nfp
NinaKureliaVotez nfp
samwichconlimonit would be funnier if they built it in germany :)
xsweatersxtrue enough
PG55its not *fossil fuels*
ngoomiefunding it makes more sense, if they legit built it i'd be so lost
PG55its just a nuclear reactor
xsweatersxyou guys are reacting way too normal to this. no fun
samwichconlimonthey funded it
samwichconlimonto power their servers forever
demonycto power their servers
Killergunfuryresearch pirposes
ngoomiedid they acc build it or just invest in it?
xsweatersxwhy would a gaming company build a real life nuclear plantxD
ngoomieno fair i want a nuclear reactor
demonycat least is diferent
samwichconlimongoogling it
samwichconlimonI think normal pokeball odds
xsweatersxthey built a burmying nuclear reactor
ngoomiewhat are its odds if you use it on a mon that doesn't evolve with a moon stone anyways
samwichconlimonI just realized that too ngoomie
samwichconlimoncrypto scams?
ngoomieare there even any mons in harsholme that i can really use this moon ball on or is it just useless lol
xsweatersxguess what the newest investment is of the genshin impact devs
samwichconlimonye, but none are what I want
PG55- .... . / .- .-. -- -.-- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / .-. . .- -.. -.-- / .. -. / ...-- / .-- . . -.- ... --..-- / -.... / -.. .- -.-- ... --..-- / ..--- ...-- / .... --- ..- .-. ... --..-- / ..... ----. / -- .. -. ..- - . ... / .- -. -.. / ..... ----. / ... . -.-. --- -. -.. ...
Moondust381Okay good thank you guys. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to miss it.
xsweatersxwanna know something funny killer
Killergunfurysam has 7 shiny rats
samwichconlimonit is neat how rainbow shinies look in overworld
Killergunfuryits close
samwichconlimonstory related
Moondust381Do I get the changed conduit naturally in the Borovia storyline or do I have to get lucky and stumble upon it? I'm in the lab and I'm sure it will be close by right?
samwichconlimon141 leilyne. ughhhh
NixcelpixNot yet
samwichconlimonmobipup no. otherwise which
PG55the iDog? no
Killergunfurywhich starter
Kaijukenhello there. can the starter evolve?
samwichconlimonclearly you are not hunting enough
PG55Killer jokes on you i have no shinies
demonycor rainbow gulluton perhaps
Killergunfury.. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . .- -.. / - .... .. ... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ... .... .. -. .. . ... / .- .-. . / -. --- .-- / -- .. -. .
demonycill just keep looking for shiny gulluton
ngoomiehaha, "playdoh" is a great name for a grimer, esp. a rainbow shiny one
PG55i cant even get a mon with good nature
PG55Killer got 2 rainbow shinies
Killergunfuryit does when i send it out yes
demonycor woman
demonyclet the man get another rainbow
Killergunfurygood point
NixcelpixOr just use the rainbow mon in your team?
PG55its quite obvious
Killergunfuryhold on lemme find another rq
PG55its raimbow
NixcelpixKiller the rainbow mon make a sound when you found it?
demonycmenwhile i found 2 shinies in 10k encounters
Killergunfuryi found one yesterday and one today demon
PG55actually, youll get 1000 raimbow shinies before getting that shiny leilyne
samwichconlimonI can only hope ngoomie
demonycand he already found 2
Killergunfuryrainbow rat PG
ngoomiesamwichconlimon rainbow shiny leilyne when
samwichconlimonactually, a random rainbow shiny has the same odds as me finding a normal shiny leilyne
Killergunfurycome to da church
PG55which one?
demonycno way
Nixcelpixthey are 1 / 50.000
demonycwho found it?
PG55only 4?