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ngoomiewait so its an acc thing, i thought u were doing a bit lol
PG55you yeah true
samwichconlimonI ain't indivduals pg, I am multiple pieces of food/trash placed together in an araingement known as a sandwich
KillergunfuryRezzy come to the church
PG55youre joining or not?
RezzyTheGamermy mewtwo is gonna be wicked
RezzyTheGamerbro i got modest mint
PG55samwich too
ngoomieok brb time to warsh my keyboard
GemWolfZits ok take your time :thumbsup:
PG55confirmed: Ngoomie is 2+ individuals
samwichconlimonI am possibly a gay people (no clue at this point)
cadavrenyeah same
PG55youre people???
ngoomieleaving pokengine now
ngoomiei'm a gay people
cadavrenI'm joinning too
ngoomiei hate cutting grass though let that mf grow free :pensive:
GemWolfZpokengine hates gay peopleeee :/ (<- joking along)
PG55youll join??
cadavrenha that's what you meant
samwichconlimongod I hope it is a bit
Pokebiowhere's the skeleton key
ngoomiedamn okay that's based PG me join
Killergunfury"unclear on actual rainbow shiny status just yet"
GemWolfZi think its a bit guys
PG55the Army is an.. well, an army, of undead, ghouls and Lost Souls created with the sole purpose of protecting the underworld
samwichconlimonwait, coonae said it is a lie? need confirmation
ngoomiethat's cringe
ngoomieare they acc
Killergunfurythey removing rainbows ;-;
PG55hi, Rezzy
PG55the Army?
cadavrenWhat is it
ngoomiefunky ergonomic keyboard
PG55it does
ngoomiei bought it like late last year
Pokebio10 more soul fragment and then I can fina&lly continue the region
PG552 separate things
samwichconlimonPg, capitlaizing it doesn't help
ngoomieit's a pretty new keyboard, it's just got white plastic so ick gets real visible real fast
cadavrenWhat do you mean
PG55im talking about the Army
PG55thats the army
samwichconlimonfirstm sweaty fingies are ew. secondly, you need a new keyboard
cadavrenArmy is a governmental and repressive institution that's not something very cool to be in
PG55like painting trees, cutting grass, cleaning restrooms...
ngoomiei'm gonna wrap up this battle and unplug my keeb and go clean it
ngoomiethere's legitimately a yellow tinge on my WASD keys from me sweating on them while playing pokengine and vintage story this is disgusting
PG55youll do stuff people do when they are in the Army
Killergunfurytheir removing rainbow shinys
ngoomiewhat a relief !
PG55you wont kill people
PG55its not the *army*, its the Army
ngoomiewhy kill other people for a cause i don't even care about :pensive:
PG55youre already dead
PG55you wont die
NixcelpixAzria say something in discord
ngoomiewhy die for a cause i don't even care about :pensive:
samwichconlimonA divine revelation ^
PG55well said
ngoomiesummer heat has been making me sweat so my keyboard looks and feels a bit nasty
PG55Ngoomie would you like to join the Army?
ngoomiei should clean my keyboard today
samwichconlimondon't think I have been sucessfully eaten yet, so no
ngoomiewell im a vampire so im undead if that counts
ViralMagnumTyphloPlaying here is a bit slower on menus x3
PG55anyone dead on chat other than me?
Amirsant12Thank you
Pokebiodoesn't work :c*
ViralMagnumTyphloI come to phone cause my back hurt
samwichconlimonswipe right or left amirsant. if it doesn't work, reload tab
PG55not working
Pokebiodoesn't seem to work
Amirsant12If I'm a cell phone