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RezzyTheGamerim 13 ish
samwichconlimonchurch is low 30s
samwichconlimonkiller, rezzy looks too low level to access the church
RezzyTheGamerim in the tavern reading books
Killergunfuryi have 25
samwichconlimon145 leilyne. wooooo
samwichconlimonhe isn't outside the church
KillergunfuryRezzy are you at the church yet?
ProfessorPthen no
LuckyClover777Glaceon, Leafeon, and Vaporeon
ProfessorPif you going for friendship, any level at all
LuckyClover777Anyone know the best level to evolve Eevee at?
ProfessorPgood luck PG
samwichconlimonman, why di they have to add rainbow shinies? the more I think, the more I like rainbow leilyne
PG55ill go work in my region for a bit now
ProfessorPhey guys... whats the soul fragments for?
GemWolfZyea i brute forced it
samwichconlimonprobably. figure it out
PG55just enter doors
Pokebiothe wiki doeshn't tell the order
PG55theyll lead you to somewhere
Pokebiois'nt there an order or something?
samwichconlimonbrute force is an option
PG55just enter doors
Pokebiothere is no trainer
Killergunfurybeat the trainer
Pokebiono but liek how do I progress in the puzzle
PG55you mean *this*?
Killergunfurybeat the trainer Pokebio
Pokebioguys how do you solve the magic door puzzle in borovia?
GemWolfZif you went "yeah okay i will trade" and they had to go "wait i was kidding" that would be awkeard
PG55my entire existence here is not serious
samwichconlimonI am building a dalek army of rats
Killergunfurygo to the church Rezzy
samwichconlimonto indicate that I wasn't serious
PG55indicate tone?
RezzyTheGamerI'm in wilderoot
cadavrento indicate tone
NixcelpixTo do a RAT Army
samwichconlimonwrong, 4 shiny, 3 golden rats
PG55why do you *need* to use it?
cadavrenyeah, it's a ton indicator
samwichconlimonmeans joking
Killergunfurysamwich has 7 shiny rats
PG55 /j?
samwichconlimonI can trade you a shiny obliterat for it. I have plenty /j
Killergunfurynow give it to me
cadavreni'm so happy
cadavrenCAUGHT IT
Killergunfuryit has a lil hat
Killergunfurynew Mc Donalds shiny found
Zaxaronewhat if the  magnet train became  the  battle subway in  neo retro  johto
samwichconlimonwith the confusion around rainbows now, you can't just do that
Nixcelpixfor my heart
Killergunfuryguys i found a new shiny
KlefkaIm joking xd
KlefkaEmerald shinies real
NixcelpixOh ok, so yeah is shiny
samwichconlimonI am a hamc sandwich. bread, ham, 253 pieces of trash, a handful of shiny obliterat, cheese, lemon, and bread
cadavrenis green
NixcelpixIs golden?
cadavrenSHINY KAKUNA ??
RezzyTheGamerand post it on discord
cadavrenOH OH SHINY
PG55take your time
RezzyTheGamerI'm near some chapet thing
ngoomieidk ill think about it while washing my keycaps ig
PG55yes its a *thing*
PG55the Army?
cadavrenoh you're a miasmax samwich?
xsweatersxtake me to snurch! im crawling like a snail, for the slime of my life
samwichconlimoncome shiny hunt in the church with us rezzy
RezzyTheGamerwhere that