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LynxALot11Oh I forgot one
WakoDoodlebare in mind 2 new regions are being added so there will be more
LynxALot11Why? I counted Meltan and Melmetal seperately
darkeryetdarkercount broke line as one
LynxALot11And Fakemon Legendaries are Nephelith, Sakurovix, Gulluton, Tunnelid, Brokenstein, Monstricity, and Cadastrophe
darkeryetdarkeri want that baby so much in hub...
darkeryetdarkersame with cakewig
WakoDoodleme too with neo zubat
darkeryetdarkerheh play borovia
BladeVapit sucks, since i want that Geodude regional in the hub
LynxALot11Also its Neo Sinnoh so who knows what legendaries will be available
DrLeQuackidk what to play then kekw
darkeryetdarkersinnoh is made out of glass in coding tbh
BladeVapthe most incomplete region
BladeVapSinnoh's like
WakoDoodlesinnoh and hoenn aren't complete and no global there
darkeryetdarkerits only up to gym 1
LynxALot11Yeah but im gonna count it here
BladeVapbuh, cleaning my keyboard as i type is a bad idea
DrLeQuackis sinnoh also not completed?
BladeVapMeltas is technically a mythical
LynxALot11So Legendaries available are Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mewtwo, Mew, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Meltan, Melmetal
WakoDoodleI got meltan for the dex and thats all XD
darkeryetdarkergar is like one of the fastest
LynxALot11Oh yeah you can get Meltan and Melmetal in CV
BladeVapi'm sure there's more i'm forgetting
BladeVapbut that's not including fakemon
BladeVapThe only fast Ground type I know of is Dugtrio
WakoDoodlethen again, nintendo did the weird thing to the gen2 dogs so..
darkeryetdarkerlike good ground speeder and its dead
darkeryetdarker90 speed isn't good for its kit
BladeVapwhy would you ever say that, it's still stronk
WakoDoodleactually talking about pheonixes and ho-oh, if nintendo gives it a new form (I hope they don't, but if they do) they should make it either glow or on fire
BladeVaponly okay?
LynxALot11Cadastrophe is only ok tho
LynxALot11its like Cosmog, it evolves into the real legendary
LynxALot11yeah its a legendary
BladeVapI...assume we're talking about that one
LynxALot11Ohh Brokenstein
BladeVapbrokenstein is a starter?
darkeryetdarkerit feels like a psuado legend then anything else
darkeryetdarkerik but like broke doesn't feel legendery at all
ItsCarrotlate rent payment?
ItsCarrotwhat are its moves?
LynxALot11Legendaries have the golden background on their page
WakoDoodlewhat is more legendary than a pheonix?
darkeryetdarkerbroke is a psuado legend tbh so it doesn't count
WakoDoodlebird legendaries feel right, going back to gen 1
JadeAmuletbirds just be majestic and fierce i guess
LynxALot11Tunnelid is also a legendary
BladeVapheck, even my region's legendary is a bird
LynxALot11Nephilth, Gulltoton, Sakurovix
JadeAmuleti did think about that earlier yeah
darkeryetdarkerbc broke is lil weird
darkeryetdarkerdo we count broke in this?
DrLeQuackty guys appreciated!
BladeVapSakurovix, Nepelith, and Gullutton
darkeryetdarkeryep game auto saves every second so
BladeVaplike most of the legendary fakemon are avian
DrLeQuackcan i travel to another region without losign this one progress?
BladeVapIt's weird
darkeryetdarkerwait nvm 5
darkeryetdarkeri think only like 4?
LynxALot11There are a few fakemon legendaries tho
BladeVaprise and grind, gamers
DrLeQuacki didnt even checcc
JadeAmuletone day there should be groudon
DrLeQuackwait wat?
LynxALot11so no Groudon or Kyogre yet
darkeryetdarkerbtw hoenn ends at gym 4
DrLeQuacksince no groudon im going ruby
LynxALot11Retro Hoenn isn't done yet
LynxALot11I think thats it for main game legendaries
DrLeQuacki was wondering cause i had to choose between sapphire or ruby
darkeryetdarkeralso gullaton brokenstain hub legend's
DrLeQuacki see i see
LynxALot11Mew, Mewtwo
LynxALot11and Ho-Oh Lugia
darkeryetdarkergroudon is no go
LynxALot11You can catch all the legendary birds
DrLeQuackwhat about, lets say groudon?
JadeAmuletwell if you check the games tab the full name is pokengine platinum points
LynxALot11Not all of them are available obviously
darkeryetdarkerthe list is ehhhhhhh limited tho
DrLeQuackIn my mmo game?
DrLeQuackwe can?