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JadeAmuletIm not far enough into kanto but i just have to get to bills house right
ItsCarrotwiking just kiled himself
E_wikingand no checkpoint...
ItsCarrotthis time
ItsCarrotbro i got so far
E_wikingJade, come to the Kanto trials :)
JadeAmuletyeah id rather just wait and do something else
E_wikingDrag them onto the screen
WakoDoodleor reset the region but tbh I don't think you want to do that
Fr0styy11how do i make my pokemon follow me about?
JadeAmuletjust got to file a bug report then...
JadeAmuletah, i guess that makes sense
darkeryetdarkeritems can't be moved between regions.
WakoDoodlesorry correction: I don't think global boxing mons hold items
E_wikingitems dont transfer through global pc
WakoDoodleI don't think boxing mons can hold items
darkeryetdarker... jade your wrong af
WakoDoodleroute 1
JadeAmuletActually you know what? i could probably get the trash from harsholme, put it one four mons, trade them to somebody who has global on easter island, have them trade those mons back to me on easter island
Jonplays45give me a route
Jonplays45help me out
WakoDoodlerest well!
WakoDoodlenight deme
E_wikingcya Deme
MxDemeanorbye guys i'm so eepy
ItsCarrotare there any checkpoints on vulture?
WakoDoodlethere is a bug report on discord if you need it
E_wikingthen you should explain your problem in the discord and maybe a mod can help you
WakoDoodlerezz taking the gym leaders out for a party? :D
JadeAmuletyeah doesnt seem to have any effect
E_wikingDid you already reload the website?
JadeAmuletyeah, he wants 15
E_wikingDid you talk to the janitor?
E_wikingHow many trash pieces do you have?
E_wikingArrisson, right click and then use. Or just drag it onto the game screen
Jonplays45i have an idea actually
darkeryetdarkermain thing is... *you need to focus on the threating ghosts*
MxDemeanorlmk when you get there and I'm help you
E_wikingJade did you go through the tall grass maze?
WakoDoodleonce you find them, you can just take it slow or do a deme and run in screaming
MrArrisonokay got the bag but right click dont open it
MxDemeanorThe second half is super easy
WakoDoodlethere are spots they can't get you
Jonplays45but still
MxDemeanorpatterns jon
ItsCarrotthey have
Jonplays45the ghosts is hard
JadeAmuletcould somebody watch this and confirm if i should be missing any
JadeAmuletBasically I'm stuck at the springtide lake area, I think when the game updated earlier it rolled back to before i collected some of the trash needed to advance but I'm not sure
ItsCarrotrather than the vulture
ItsCarrotthat imbues fear in our brain
E_wikingyo Jon
WakoDoodleheehoo jon
ItsCarroti think its more about the vultures presence
E_wikingI did easter island
ItsCarrothe hasnt gotten me once lol
WakoDoodleI more or less jumped myself beforehand
E_wikingThe vulture is a menace
JadeAmuletHey has anybody here done easter island?
WakoDoodlesurprisingly the vulture rarely got me :p
E_wikingEnjoy the game :)
MxDemeanorthe vulture is slow but it pecks your eyes out
MrArrisonthank you guys
ItsCarrotthis vulture slow af lmao
RezzyTheGameryou get outfit bag from the ? bubble gal at the market
E_wikingYou get the outfit bag from someone with a '?' at the market place in HUB
MrArrisonlike 5 minutes ago we just got our starters
MxDemeanorSuper duper recently?
MrArrisonhow do we get outfit bags?
WakoDoodleweird, usually you get an outfit bag when you start
MxDemeanorwhen did you two start playing?
MrArrisonno outfit bag only some weird phone thing
WakoDoodleyou can buy more outfits in the HUB shop south of the start and other outfits are gain by going to other regions
ItsCarrotbro just wanted to flex ._.
WakoDoodlego to key items and right click the outfit bag
WakoDoodleman I wish I could go back there
MrArrisonhi my girlfriends playing also but we both look male how does she change her sprite?
MxDemeanorI remember finishing trial 1 like 'heh I'm so cool the rest will be a piece of cake'