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WakoDoodleand trade back
WakoDoodlea trade
JadeAmuletWako what do you need?
KrisTrocityi wish there was some input delay so i dont acudently 2x press a button
WakoDoodleI will pay ya jade btw
LynxALot11Its just Shiny not Golden
MomsianerAh okay thank you
WakoDoodleprobably shiny
BladeVapPokemon Centers have the trade station as an airport
LynxALot11Golden or just shiny?
JadeAmuletI'll trade ya, one sec
MomsianerHow can I get out of retro kanto again?
WakoDoodletheres a golden geodude in auction XD
BladeVapI forgot my Paras has Dry Skin
WakoDoodlewho I gotta pay to do this?
BladeVapoh NICE
WakoDoodlesomeone trade me in harsholme plz! :D
BladeVapElectabuzz has to hold the item, so yeah
LynxALot11Yeah its a trade evo
LynxALot11Its a trade evo right>
WakoDoodlelynx the electrizer does not work on electrabuzz
darkeryetdarkerjust asgore remixs always go hard af for no resson
darkeryetdarkerok must say i think im addicted to this theme
LynxALot11Ok i think im just wrong then lmao
darkeryetdarkeryou can get like 6 at the start
LynxALot11Oh yeah you get two Bulbites so that makes sense
WakoDoodlefrom the same run so..
WakoDoodleI think I got 2 electrizers
darkeryetdarkeralso about twisted add fall festival to that
WakoDoodleI gotta go over there to see if I got them XD
LynxALot11I think only one Electrizer tho and you probably want that for ur Bulbite
LynxALot11Harsholme has the evo items for Magmortar and Electivire
WakoDoodleoh nnice!
LynxALot11Kleavor isnt
JadeAmuleti remember him saying that in chat the other day but i might just be misremembering
LynxALot11Those are available
WakoDoodlemagmortar, electrivire
LynxALot11Same with Polteageist, Rhyperior, and a couple others
darkeryetdarkeror did your mind go nuts mode or something
LynxALot11Dusknoir works we just can't get the item to evolve it
darkeryetdarkerfrom where did you get that?
WakoDoodledusknoir wants to know your location
JadeAmuletI might be talking out my ass but i feel like jext said something about 1 or 2 more "things" on top of twisted thicket and usual stuff
LynxALot11Politoed and Slowking pls I want them
darkeryetdarkermean while their like 11+
LynxALot11Its literally just King's Rock evo thats broken
WakoDoodlewiki says thers only 2 trials in kanto
darkeryetdarkerwiki is like 2011 old
WakoDoodlewell some
LynxALot11Thats very outdated lmao
WakoDoodletrading with items isn't working atm
BladeVapwiki is outdated
BannanaRaccoonso am assuming it is now
BannanaRaccoonI was looking at the wiki and it said trading isn't implemeted
JadeAmuletO feel like we've sort of been teased there will be than returning events this season
LynxALot11Yeah its a trade evo
darkeryetdarkergonna interect with this community
LynxALot11You can get Alakazam
darkeryetdarkeryou can just gonna trade :3
BladeVapyou can?
BladeVapFrostyy, it is meant to evolve but currently does not
BannanaRaccoonCan you not get Alakazam in Retro Kanto?
darkeryetdarkerit doesn't evo yet
BladeVaphere's the guy you can start the mew glitch with in canon RBY
Fr0styy11what level does mobipup evolve if he does at all?
LynxALot11Maybe there will be something new in Twisted Thicket/Fall Fest and a legendary will be available
BladeVapah yis
WakoDoodleimagine for halloween jext summons a darkrai in hub ppl can battle for a limited time
BladeVapare there any places i can horde shiny hunt Bellsprout in RK?
LynxALot11Yeah it doesn't have the legendary background
WakoDoodlelike arcanine :D
WakoDoodlemissingno is a pseudo legendary
BladeVapMissingno is in a class of its own
LynxALot11Its gen 1 visuals
WakoDoodleyou kids and your gameboy colors >.>
LynxALot11Also does MissingNo. count?
DrLeQuackbut the visuals are kekw
darkeryetdarkerwtf is ninimon
BladeVapand has extra content
BladeVapRetro Kanto is complete
WakoDoodlekanto is complete yes
LynxALot11I forgot Axolovl
LynxALot11And Fakemon Legendaries are Nephelith, Sakurovix, Gulluton, Tunnelid, Brokenstein, Monstricity, Cadastrophe, and Axolovl
WakoDoodleninimom and icestria
DrLeQuackis retro kanto complete?
darkeryetdarkerlike kaloria and icestria?
darkeryetdarkerwhat are their again?