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LynxALot11Cuz you have to buy all the coins
NithhamatI am terrible with bike this is going to be horrible
LynxALot11I have the money I just don't wanna spend 1000 Hours getting the coins
BladeVaphow are you meant to get porygon then?
BladeVapwait wait wait
LynxALot11and the Rocket Game Corner ones
NithhamatPlease end my suffering
LynxALot11Except Mimic cuz you cant get it
NithhamatOh hi fren
ItsCarrotles go i got a fren
LynxALot11I now have every TM in Kanto
ItsCarrotanyone except this vulture km pls
NixcelpixSup Darker : D
darkeryetdarkersup nix :3
NixcelpixGS Johto what?
WakoDoodleor make his own jhoto
darkeryetdarkerhe will pay someone 100 dollars to add it in
LynxALot11Its not by Jext so I doubt it
darkeryetdarkeri swear to god if a retro johto has route 0 too i will go nuts
WakoDoodleto get to gen 2 in kanto you can also go through the 10 trials of jhoto
WakoDoodleno this is patrick o3o
darkeryetdarkerthank god trial 11 is gen 2
ItsCarrotthis is 8
ItsCarrotno wait
ItsCarrotim on trial 9 im presure?
darkeryetdarkeractually nah trial 10
WakoDoodlewait until trial 9
ItsCarroteyes are dying
darkeryetdarkertrue and bill feeds them drugs at 3am
ItsCarrothow do that greyscale thing?
ItsCarrotthey dont know tf is going on
darkeryetdarkerheh go undertale mode with the trash drop thing
ItsCarrotthe rhydons are high
darkeryetdarkertbh im suprised the rhydons didn't go nuts as it did
Lepperidk what to do in the story now... already open the bedroom, the guards cant let me go thru
WakoDoodlevulture tried the rhydons and gave up
BladeVapthere's no shortcuts
darkeryetdarkerfirst kill its brother
BladeVapkeep playing and you'll find it
LynxALot11Do the story
Lepperthe item
Lepperwhere to get it?
BladeVapIt's a plot item, yeah
darkeryetdarkerstory item to be spececific
ItsCarrotin his defense he did say to get out of his backyard
LynxALot11You have to progress the story
Lepperhow can i evolve Brokenstein?
darkeryetdarkerthis is why bill YOU KEEP YOUR rayquazaING ANIMALS WELL FEED
ItsCarrotye i can see that
darkeryetdarkerit has done a lot
ItsCarrotand likes pecking the burmy out of ppls eyes
darkeryetdarkerbc looking at trial 9 ehhhhhhh
darkeryetdarkerand went nuts
LynxALot11Is it more Parkour :(
ItsCarrotthat was resurrected
NithhamatIt doesnt even get close to me, i just end up whiffing a jump everytime
ItsCarrotits a dinosaur
darkeryetdarkerlike wtf is it doing there
ItsCarrotnope a proper vulture
darkeryetdarkertbh i still don't get how their is a normal vulture in that trial
ItsCarroti have only been caught by the vulture like 5 times
LynxALot11A Vulture??
ItsCarrotlooks like it
NithhamatI dont appreciate this psychological warfare
NithhamatThis vulture is giving me anxiety on jumps i shouldn't be missing
LynxALot11Well then you have to complete Trial 8
ItsCarrotid rather not lol
LynxALot11You would only have to do trial 8 again
LynxALot11Well then
ItsCarrotand if i leave ill have to do it again
LynxALot11Interact with the signs
ItsCarrotcuz im at a checkpoint in the middle of the trial 8
ItsCarroti cant even leave the trials ;-;
WakoDoodlepity its stuck over there
WakoDoodlegets healed by every water attack then counters with aurora beam
WakoDoodlesounds like my CV vaporeon XD
BladeVapParas is just like "cool story, bro"
BladeVapThat's extremely funny
JadeAmuletwhich one?
qwertyouserplis im trying to complete my pokedexz
BladeVapnot that it mattered, it healed my Paras with that and I just poked it with fury cutter
BladeVapWhy does misty's starmie have HYDRO PUMP at THIS level?
WakoDoodlea moudly potato?
JadeAmuletim good
WakoDoodleI got mints
WakoDoodlewait do you want any items?