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rebarit is not a bug bro
LynxALot11I just think that bugs should be fixed
JadeAmuletthey dont owe you anything, they can work on what they want yk?
WakoDoodlethe moment you go through those doors, you can leave borovia by talking to the taximan
NixcelpixJadeAmulet, you can exit when you beat the guards
rebarthey add things to the game for fun
rebarso they dont have an obligation to work on the things you want them to
LynxALot11ok and?
WakoDoodleyou can leave borovia once you get into the mansion
rebarits that nobody gets paid to work on pokengine
JadeAmuletI went to barovia to help somebody trade, am i stuck here until story is completed?
rebarbecause its not an issue with the devs
LynxALot11I just don't understand why ur defending them not fixing an issue with the game like
rebarthey intended to add it as a placeholder
Nixcelpixand thats why and other, because Link Cable got disabled
NixcelpixWhat a good sacrifice
LynxALot11But they intended to add it tho
WakoDoodletbh they should really remove the item from being bought until its fixed
NixcelpixI remember somebody get a Porygon 2 and Porygon Z because the Link Cable Item
rebarbecause they have other things to work on
rebarthey intended to not add it yet
rebarno it is not
LynxALot11When it should work
LynxALot11....... But something not working is unintended tho
rebarthats not unintended its just not finished
rebarits that the item hasnt even been fully added to the game
JadeAmuletWekk the thing as a dev its like, should i add new content or gix a pretty niche issue? and most the time theyd just pick content
rebara bug is an unintended side effect
LynxALot11something that doesn't work when it should
LynxALot11but thats what a bug is tho
rebarand for the billionth time its not a bug
rebarbut it shouldnt be expected of them to fix things that arent a nummber one priority
rebareveryone wants them to
LynxALot11Im sorry why is it bad to want the devs to fix the bugs??
JadeAmuletyou can sign up and fix them then lol
LynxALot11well other trade item evos work
LynxALot11Yes it is tho
rebarits just that the item hasnt been fully coded in
rebarits not really a bug
LynxALot11Bug fixing is still something that should be done
rebarso there are other things the devs are going to add before it
LynxALot11.... ok yeah so
rebarplus 2 mons being inaccessible isnt that detrimental to playing the game
LynxALot11Ive tried it and it doesnt work
LynxALot11Idk what to say
WakoDoodleyou can buy link cable in hub and cv
LynxALot11also Link Cable isn't available
rebaris used to
LynxALot11Link Cable doesnt work either
NixcelpixYou mean the beta mon?
WakoDoodlethe original politoad design
rebarjust use link cable
rebarthere are other priorities than adding that kind of thing
LynxALot11Although most other trade item evos arent possible cuz the item isn't available anywhere
WakoDoodlestill waiting for someone to add Poliking ^^
LynxALot11So no Politoed or Slowking
LynxALot11Just not King's Rock for some reason
LynxALot11No, the item trade evos work
NixcelpixLets go spamming!
rebarits not a full game yet anyway
rebarits just unfinished
LynxALot11The King's Rock thing has been a thing for so many months now
rebarlike what
LynxALot11It feels like bugs never get fixed here :(
NixcelpixAh, old times, Blue wild mons in the night and Red wild Mons in the day
Nixcelpixis a bug what i reported a lot of time, when the system of version still exists
LynxALot11For the game corner at least
NixcelpixYeah Xiterok, is because night time is Pkmn Blue and Day time is Pkmn Red
LynxALot11It depends on the time of day for some reason
XiterokI saw 9999 the First time, but got 6500 when I bought it
JadeAmuletdoes anybody remember where the trade window spawns by default? trying to walk this guy through it rn
Nixcelpixyou can get a shiny
WakoDoodlebut... can game corner give shinies?
LynxALot11The problem is that buying the coins takes forever
XiterokI think It is
WakoDoodleinteresting, you could farm porygons
NixcelpixI don't know if that bug is still around
Nixcelpix6500 in the night and 9999 in the day
LynxALot11130 000$
NixcelpixDrenchest Lv 100 = with Money Moves = 1.000 each defeated mon, Spam A Button to get coin in the game corner
Xiterok6500 x 1000 / 50
WakoDoodleactually how much money does a porygon cost?
LynxALot11and it takes forever to trade them all
LynxALot11but its 1000$ for 50 coins
SmugMakotoLifewhoops sorry!
LynxALot11so you have to buy all the coins
LynxALot11Its just the slots dont work
LynxALot11No its not
BladeVapFrom what it sounded like you said, it was glitched or something
LynxALot11Trial 1 is easier without the bike