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WakoDoodlethat should be possible
MxDemeanoris that possible
MxDemeanorwoah wait what about a mon that has an ability where every time it's switched in its type changes randomly
ReinhildeCeladon Woods?
E_wikingReinhilde, do you mean the trials?
livertyoh thanks
MxDemeanorsuch as the elemental monkey idea
ReinhildeMan these jumping obstacles sucks
WakoDoodleI think it turns your type into something else
MxDemeanornot real evil
livertywhat conversion does?
MxDemeanorI'm going to use my powers for cartoon moustache twirling evil
WakoDoodleyou're a prodigy
MxDemeanorthing is he was a hacker who got in trouble with the feds
MxDemeanoranyway my dad was really really good at coding so that's how I know I'll be able to do it
MxDemeanorno vin demeanor lore
WakoDoodlevin deisel lore?
MxDemeanoryes ditto is failed clone of mew
WakoDoodleand mewtwo is a clone of mew, who can also transform
MxDemeanordo ygs wanna hear some unhinged vin lore
WakoDoodlewe now mewtwo can engage a pokemon battle so I wonder... :thinking:
MxDemeanorjust type it
MolotofluAyrantype /unstuck
E_wikingtype it in chat
WakoDoodletype /unstuck in this chat
MrArrisonwhhow do i use use/unstuck?
WakoDoodleanyway, if ditto turns into a trainer; can they do a pokemon battle?
WakoDoodleif a ditto transforms into... hang on...
MxDemeanordon't actually do that
WakoDoodleactually question
MxDemeanoror if you're in kanto, cheese the trials
MxDemeanoruse /unstuck
MrArrisonhey guys im walking through walls how do i stop this glitch
MxDemeanoranyway you gotta release the ditto to progress
WakoDoodleweird, the living cheese wheel isn't moving
MxDemeanorif i can do that
MxDemeanorthe ditto will be shiny locked
Icymossill shiny hunt the ditto
WakoDoodletbh deme I thought you were going to give it to the play with not fightable moves and they hold onto it until the end
MxDemeanorbecause it turns out to be a normal ass ditto
Icymossi bet i can glitch it out and keep the shiny >:)
MxDemeanorand the victini is to show that you can't win everything
WakoDoodleah okay, didn't want it anyway o3o
MxDemeanorthe theme of my region is victory
WakoDoodleokay but can I get a shiny mew instead?
E_wikingalright, so the ladder is the goal
WakoDoodletrial 11 is being worked on
MxDemeanoroh also in my region I'm gonna give the player a shiny victini and then immediately take it away
WakoDoodleso far yes
E_wikingBut trial 10 done after the ladder?
WakoDoodletrust me, its worth it though
WakoDoodle1 thing but jext is thinking about it
MxDemeanorgonna get an irl to try this too
WakoDoodlethe ladder in trial 10?
MxDemeanorhe hasn't tried it yet
WakoDoodleoh. Well I gotta ask you; did he like what he saw? :]
E_wikingWakoooo, is there anything else after that ladder?
MxDemeanorI reccommened this to him actually
MxDemeanorwe share games
ReinhildeIs it possible to get through with mobile?
WakoDoodleDeme, bigger question is: why did he google a game someone played?
WakoDoodleand I think the jump of Whoooa
MxDemeanorsafesearch blurred a pic in the first row  of images
WakoDoodleceladon woods has the forest, the water course
ReinhildeHow many obstacles are there in Celadon woods?
WakoDoodledid it? what if chat gpt hired him too?
MxDemeanori also told him that I started playing changed and he googled it before I could stop him
Icymosshey it got him a job lol
WakoDoodlePoke Em on
MxDemeanorwith the pokeflute
Plate0plomoHow do you wake up Snorlex?
MxDemeanorand the guy helping me was using cleffaing chat-gpt to write a resume
WakoDoodleon a brighter note, the new mario game looks good. Oh how'd it go deme?
MxDemeanory'all i went to a job search agency
Icymossim glad they seem to be taking there time
WakoDoodlethere is a really really good game in there
WakoDoodletbh I hope scarlett and violet made them realise, they can't release a rushed buggy game
MxDemeanorand that one anime about collecting dino cards
Icymosswell they just published that they are for infringment, dont think they would win but japan nutty for ip stuff
WakoDoodletbh I love nintendo, but if they lose it'll be a wakeup call they really need to start thinking about what they're doing
MxDemeanorbut yokai watch and digimon and bidoofing Pocket Morty's are the same