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WakoDoodletbh I did a course on c+ and c# decades ago but my knowledge is pretty much out of date for it XD
WakoDoodlebut seriously, if you made your own code and it's inspired by someone else but not word for word the same? That should be okay
MxDemeanoridk which one but one makes me tear my hair out
MxDemeanoror is it python i hate?
MxDemeanorif it does I'm actually to explode i hate working with javascript
WakoDoodleI did that  o3o
MxDemeanoror maybe this uses javascript and I'm going insane
WakoDoodlethat and you didn't really create it if you copied it
MxDemeanoryes but stealing is not fun
MrArrisontheres free codes to use also
MrArrisonburmy ahyt woulda made it much faster to implement things in the game
MxDemeanorNo MrArrison because that's stealing
MxDemeanorIf i remember correctly from the application form, Jext made his own code
MrArrisonbut cant i just copy paste existing codes?
WakoDoodlewhy type of code do they use?
MxDemeanorand then learn to code
MxDemeanoryou need to use the site and apply for a region and/or collection
MrArrisondoes anyone know how to implement things in the game?
WakoDoodletbh its giving me the pokemon red team rocket version vibes for some reason
WakoDoodlealthough I really wish Zoura started with an R liked the rest XD
WakoDoodleI like it
MxDemeanoroh also the elemental monkey plan
MxDemeanorit's in the guild disc in the creative works channel
WakoDoodlenope, gonna go look right now
MxDemeanordid you read my evil plan for the starters in the discord?
WakoDoodleoooooh turning to the side of villiany I see deme
WakoDoodlehows everyone? wuu2?
E_wikingoh hi Wako
MxDemeanorhi wako
MxDemeanorneed to pull me a bait and switch
MxDemeanorit needs to be static because the lure is a shiny milotic
E_wikinghey Icy
MxDemeanoryes it will have global and the scylla mon will be a static encounter
Bernall I ask if make it have global pc and static mons, thank you
MxDemeanorone of the story encounters is a mon based on scylla and when the disguise gets hit, the trainer's mon is OHKO'd
MxDemeanorgiggles I'm gonna make things impossible for nuzlocke-ers
MxDemeanori might steal it for a legendary quartest
MxDemeanoroh my god that's an amazing idea
E_wikingthe starters should be based on the horsemen of apocalypse
MxDemeanoror the monkeys
MxDemeanora mon based on cheating
E_wikingDeme, did you beat trial 10?
MxDemeanorand the starter the protag gets
MxDemeanoroh btw the starters all have a war/aspects of victory theme
Bernpatience brothers, think they're making adjustments for better qol
E_wikingstill down
ReinhildeIs it just me or the site still doesn't want to work
E_wikingpls dont
MxDemeanorbut also to make telling them apart at a glance super annoying
MxDemeanorto entice players to play the mode
MxDemeanorI'll make them gold
MxDemeanorand maybe
E_wiking:sob: :broken_heart:
MxDemeanorPansage, Simisage and Searsage or whatever the fire one was
Pekkaton86well, I am good
MxDemeanorKitterwaul evos into Impawzible and Impawzible is a BEAST
E_wikingthe gen 5 apes?
MxDemeanorthere are no pokeballs
Pekkaton86is Kitterwaul good?
MxDemeanorare the elemental monkeys
MxDemeanorwhere the only pokemon you get
MxDemeanora gamemode
MxDemeanorand also
MxDemeanorand so the protag gets a diff starter
E_wikingare you on mobile?
MxDemeanorThe protag has such a horrible aura that the starters refuse to go with them
E_wikingor right click, then use
Ifloppfrom where
E_wikingYou drag them onto the screen
Iflopphow do i use balls
MxDemeanorthey're unobtainable
MxDemeanorI'm gonna make three super cool mon
MxDemeanorto do with the starter mon
E_wikingmore trials? :)9)))))
MxDemeanortwo evil ideas