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WakoDoodleif they lose : this will be the game that stood up to nintendo XD
MxDemeanoraside from having monster you catch, they're really diff
WakoDoodleif they win; ppl will hate them for closing the pc version of pokemon
ReinhildeHow many obstacles are there
WakoDoodlewell they're trying, although I don't think they realise how bad this looks for them
MxDemeanorthey're two completely diff games
MxDemeanorpokemon can't sue palword
Icymossyo pokemon suing palworld damn
MxDemeanor10 is the maze
WakoDoodlevisit the item in the wall and the silent staring ppl
ZaydenM10mew I think
MxDemeanorthe auto mover is 9
WakoDoodlerare pokemon, cool items
MajiNVegetagoomy business IS good today
MxDemeanormake me a magical girl strange talking cat who i am sure means no ill will towards me
WakoDoodlesecrets rein
E_wikingyes, I am on trial 10
ReinhildeWhat can you find in Celadon Woods?
WakoDoodleand you're at it :D
WakoDoodlethats the bike on an auto mover right?
E_wikingWako, how many checkpoints does trial 10 have?
WakoDoodleKyubey : Hello. Want to be a REAL magical girl?
WakoDoodleso whos this?
WakoDoodleoh, okay.
WakoDoodleDeme, why are you dressed like a goth?
MxDemeanorOh okay brilliant
WakoDoodlethere is no reward for beating them atm
WakoDoodleyeah you need to do it on pc imo nom however
MxDemeanori think i'm entering my mean girl arc
ZaydenM10jk it was hard for me too
Nomster4LifeMobile doesn’t like jumping
ZaydenM10skill issue nomster
MxDemeanori think
MxDemeanorpoor nom
MxDemeanorbecause its hard to put in
WakoDoodleone thing I don't get about retro kanto is, why no music?
jojixmmd2OH, the sacred path opened :D thanks
Nomster4LifeI can’t even beat trial 1..
E_wikingGo east of Kapok town
jojixmmd2How can I get the Kapok town badge? I found the leader Stephaun but he went into the gym and locked himself in lol
WakoDoodleI hate that I'm learning rng chances and maths thanks to jext
MxDemeanorlike what happened to me
MxDemeanoror just be lucky and never have it send you back ever
WakoDoodlethe rng chance of it looking left 3 times in a row is the lowest statistically
ZaydenM10I just didn't pay attention
ZaydenM10ik that
WakoDoodleif its any help, for the rhhydon on trial 5: wait until it looked left, then wait until it does it again then go
jojixmmd2How can I get the Kapok town badge? I found the leader Stephaun but he went into the gym and locked himself in lol
WakoDoodleFudge sorry zay
MxDemeanorI hate going slow
WakoDoodleoh, oh!
MxDemeanor9 sucked the life out of me
ZaydenM10no I mean the rhydons on 4 and 5 sent me back
WakoDoodlethe random bushes in rhydon run are checkpoints
E_wikingtrial 9 was easy as hell
WakoDoodleZayden are you going to the bushes?
IcymossI found 9 ez and a nice break10 was hell for me
WakoDoodlethe kicker is you have to get back there XD
WakoDoodlesurprisingly most trials are easy until that type of turn
ZaydenM10and now I'm back at trial 3 because rhydon
MxDemeanor9 doesn't have the bike though and is arguably harder
E_wikingthe u turn was horrible
WakoDoodlemy faves are the u-turn and 180 jumps :D
MxDemeanorbut trials 8 9 10 & 11 also force you to do that
MxDemeanorwell yeah
E_wikingtrial 7?
MxDemeanorwait till you get to the trials that force you to make pixel perfect bike jumps
E_wikingsheer will power
ZaydenM10how do I clear that last jump on t5
MxDemeanorbecause if it was anything else I'm gonna riot
MxDemeanorokay was it a good prize or was it a pat on the back and a condesending 'good job!'
ZaydenM101/1000000000000 chance
WakoDoodleand I saw colour in kanto zayden
WakoDoodlelegit put a lot of things in perspective, I took a look into myself
ZaydenM10do u see msgno?
MxDemeanorthat doesn't bode well
WakoDoodleer kinda
WakoDoodleoh thats weird
MxDemeanorwas it worth it
WakoDoodle:eye: ____ :eye:
WakoDoodlebtw nomster im free of the trials