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LynxALot11Just a bunch of legendaries left
LynxALot11I think im gonna play Pokerogue now, im close to getting every mon in that too
darkeryetdarkerit best to start summer at like 11 pm in game time ofc
LynxALot111 1/2 to 2 hours
LynxALot11And its gonna be about an hour and a half until night now lmao
NixcelpixSee you later guys!
LynxALot11Some mons are only available at night or day
NixcelpixAnd i will do stream for it!
darkeryetdarkernight and day encounters
rebardo i actually have to wait for nighttime
NixcelpixNeed to go for a moment, i will back to hunt the Abra in the game corner
rebarwhats day and night bs
JadeAmuletomg i spent an hour looking for one of the 1/20 mons lmao
darkeryetdarkerlike tbh if good luck summer can be done in like [and good rng with day and night bs] summer can be done in like 5 minutes
JadeAmuletand if they did want to make something longer theres like 3 halloween regions so its not like they couldnt make something longer if they wanted
darkeryetdarkeractually rezzy you get my point better lmao
JadeAmuletI mean, its not like they made summer island instead of a full region or something
LynxALot11Its an event that was made permanent
Mochacho1010ah so I should go back to that map
BladeVapyou need three
Mochacho1010okay I got a key... what now
RezzyTheGamerCatch 12 mon, talk clown, find treasure
XiterokCatch all (base evo) Mons on the main island, then get the surf mon to find 3 keys on smaller Island to unlock a chest (then you'll unlock Global PC)
darkeryetdarkerthat shows how rayquazaing short it is
LynxALot11its supposed to be an event
LynxALot11its not a full region
darkeryetdarkertbh i hate how summer can be explain with only like 20 words
Mochacho1010ooh I'm doing the puzzle too, looking for flowers
JadeAmuletby catching every base form on the island and talking to a guy in a tent
darkeryetdarkerits simple catch 12 mons get surf mon do puzzles get treasure and done
LynxALot11on the island
BladeVapthen go find Drenchest, yeah
LynxALot11By catching all the mons
RezzyTheGamercatch 12 mons on the island then go catch drenchest
BladeVapthen talk to the clown
BladeVapFirst you catch allhhte pokemon on the island you can
rebarand how do i get surf
rebardo  just run around until i've caught everything
rebarhow does summer island work
JadeAmuletomg pricelss
WakoDoodlehe really soaks up the scene
WakoDoodletbh I enjoyed it, was like an official fanfiction and also the 4kids voice of pegasus plays giovanni
BladeVapI would rather eat an entire dust bunny
LynxALot11Mr. Fuji wasn't very good at coming up with names
WakoDoodlebtw the musical is on youtube if you want to watch it
BladeVapnot like Type: Null or Mr. Mime
BladeVapbut it's not officially spelled as two words
LynxALot11I mean Mewtwo is just Mew Two
BladeVapclearly, choices were made
BladeVapMecha Mew2 is the name of the robot, but like...the full spelling works just fine? wtihout the number 2?
LynxALot11I only know the games and anime, idk about the manga or anythig else
BladeVapthat musical was...something i was deeply confused about in my 12-year-old mind
LynxALot11We don't talk about that
WakoDoodlethe hole just keeps going deeper
darkeryetdarkernah freeza is Z mega
WakoDoodlethen theres the musical with mecha mewtwo
ItsCarrothis name is freeza
WakoDoodlemadness I tells ya
ItsCarrotmewthree already exists
LynxALot11Ok thats Manga tho, the Manga is wild
WakoDoodleand it legit calls itself mewthree >.>
LynxALot11Gary has a Blastoise, Umbreon, Arcanine
WakoDoodlewant to get even more confusing, briefly reds clefairy got merged with mewtwo dna
ItsCarrotits pretty cool
ItsCarrotbout the murder one
ItsCarrottheres a romhack
WakoDoodleand that manga red is actually a movie series in the anime that ash watched as a kid XD
LynxALot11Gary had a Squirtle yeah
darkeryetdarkerone is normal one is childish and one has murder
ItsCarrotpretty sure gary had a squirtle as his started
WakoDoodletheres one manga where red starts with a clefairy
LynxALot11The Games, the Anime, and the Manga are all different continuities
ItsCarrotgreen had squirtle and blue had charmander
WakoDoodlebut it was legit only 1 episode and it was far later, I think during gen 4 so its obscure
LynxALot11not the games
LynxALot11Yeah but thats the manga
ItsCarroti belive red had bulba
ItsCarrotcuz in the manga
LynxALot11Red and Blue dont have garunteed ones??
WakoDoodlenah, it was a squirtle because he sent out a blastoise and brock mentioned how it must be his starter
ItsCarrotpretty sure blue had a charmandar
WakoDoodlewell ash started with pikachu, red with charmander
LynxALot11like how Red and Ash are different characters
LynxALot11Well yeah, Gary and Blue are different characters
WakoDoodleso its really hard to tell the difference between gary and blue/green XD
WakoDoodlewell gary in the anime revealed his starter was a squirtle
BladeVapalso all three Kanto starters
LynxALot11Also Pikachu obv