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MxDemeanorGengar is gonna control one of the main villains
lemonitenitemmm mushroom
MxDemeanorno i have that idea for another character
lemoniteniteI wanna be under shiinotic mind control
WakoDoodleand they have to battle the dead controlled trainer
WakoDoodleand then one comes back under the control of a pokemon
MxDemeanorgive some emotional stakes to the last rival and drive home how hippowdoned the protag is
MxDemeanorI was gonna kill two of the rivals off
lemoniteniteDeme it sure is
lemoniteniteWhat if my self insert was sorta the rival, but kinda like Hugh in bw2 who doesn't get much appearances
WakoDoodleyes its got to be deme
MxDemeanorjext do you have a favourite player (trick question we all know its me)
tsw03I love a good shiny hunt ngl
lemoniteniteTruly hope to get a shiny at some point bc my pokemon white 2 file has not gotten one after 2 years q.q
lemoniteniteOh huh so that really was right last time
tsw03okay not too bad then, thx
lemoniteniteOh yeah what are the shiny odds
MxDemeanordidn't end well
MxDemeanori tried a nuzlocke once
lemoniteniteYeah I wouldn't survive a nuzlocke for sure
WakoDoodlenew game + is a nuzlock
tsw03are shiny odds default?
MxDemeanorno that'd be impossible
MxDemeanoroh my god what if i make it a nuzlocke too
MxDemeanorexcept the elemental monkey thing
MxDemeanori have no insane trials planned
WakoDoodleready for testing your insane trials
MxDemeanorprof P is an e4 member and acts as the real professor of the region since lawliet is chronically stupid
lemoniteniteYeah I'll think on what I can help with ten
MxDemeanorbut def story important roles
MxDemeanorwell maybe not major
MxDemeanorpeople that help out get major story roles
MxDemeanoryeah ofc
lemoniteniteAlso deme if I do help with ur region I wanna cameo somewhere too lol
MxDemeanorwait nvm scratch that thought I just realised I can have 'professor' lawliet (my self insert) just throw a ball at john during the story and that's too funny to pass up
lemoniteniteHuh I didn't know the pokemon worked the fields in the morning (it's late night irl for me)
pvt_pyroalright thnx
MxDemeanorinstead of having John Constantine the pokemon
WakoDoodlewhen you pvp against someone in any region with global unlocked, you'll fight with whatever mons are in your global party
MxDemeanorwhat if
WakoDoodleidea: a global party
MxDemeanorglobal pc
pvt_pyroyo how do you bring pokemon to different regions?
MxDemeanordon't worry i can start again
MxDemeanorpoor you
MstrEI was hoping they did another since I played
MxDemeanoryou missed my ranting about john constantine
lemoniteniteI hath returned
MxDemeanoruhhh solemn snowpark
MxDemeanorbut lego marvel superheroes was better
MstrEwhat the last safari I can get to right now
MxDemeanorbut i mained my self insert and John in the freeplay because if I lined it up right and squinted it looked like they were kissing
MxDemeanorand playing as lobo riding a giant flying dolphin was fun
Lolzykingdamn pc tab button
MxDemeanorbut like b:tas skins of batman, joker and harley and a few others i think were included too and they had diff voice lines so that was fun
WakoDoodlethey did the old lego language but worse during the era of talking lego -.-
MxDemeanorI almost threw my switch
WakoDoodleless long rants and talking and more sight gags.
MxDemeanorno john and zatanna had generic grunting
WakoDoodleand gibberish yup
MxDemeanorthey just had generic grunting
WakoDoodlealthough I miss the lego language of the older games
MxDemeanorzatanna had no voice lines either
WakoDoodleweird how they went into voiced lego characters but skip him
MxDemeanoralso zatanna but mainly him
MxDemeanori paid for that dlc just for him
MxDemeanorwhich sucks
MxDemeanornot counting lego DC supervillains because he has no speaking lines
MxDemeanorJohn Constantine must be in a game
WakoDoodlethis is your goal in life now, ball man
WakoDoodledeme you must make this happen
MxDemeanorbecause I already made a team for him
WakoDoodlealso it's theme song is the low health song from gen 5
MxDemeanoror maybe I'll make John a trainer
Hilltop_ZephyrSo just ball guy?
WakoDoodleand the pokeball turns into a greatball
MxDemeanorbut he has a low attack stat because john gets beat up in almost every comic
WakoDoodleand then its evolves and the pokeball folds down into armour and its a superhero