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Paperboy012305There's a Diglett in Diglett's Cave that can learn cut.
atlasruneAnyone willing to trade me a mon with cut then? :D
atlasruneDoes the SS Anne sail off after you get CUT in Retro Kanto?
TorpheusCiguapo XD
WakoDoodlethe boss doesn't like you
Hilltop_ZephyrHE GAVE ME @) DOLLARS
WakoDoodleyou got a problem with our boss?
Hilltop_ZephyrWhy am I battling a baby
WakoDoodlebut the rival battles do :D
GraalOtonamiProbably Kanto, but it won't scale or rematch
Hilltop_Zephyris there a chasey trainer in any other region?
Paperboy012305So my idea is to bring my Borovia mons over to Easter Island to fight that trainer with a Chaney to grind levels on them, but not evolve them there so I can go and bring them back to Borovia so they can count as being registered. Sounds like a good plan to me.
GraalOtonamiRock Smash and Cut work as usual
WakoDoodleright click your party mon and whatever hm is on there
R3d3Xoh ty
GraalOtonamiJust use it in the bag
livertyhow do i make my pokemon use his moves like cut or rock smash in the overworl
R3d3Xhow do i use a hm or tm
CometTheIncandescentNvm danke for the help Jext
CometTheIncandescentWell, I made it out from behind the fence but I don't think my shiny harshalker is back yet
Paperboy012305Well, it looks like the data pages are working again. Time for me to finish the Borovia dex.
lemoniteniteSometimes u have to play a bit of the starting story to find them but it doesn't take too long don't worry
crescendocool thanks
WakoDoodledw you can go back :thumbsup: you just need to find the icon lemon said
lemoniteniteYeah go to the guys with the wing icon
crescendois there a way to go back to the hub after starting a new region? forgive me im new
GraalOtonami Refresh the page to double check you've not desynched
lemoniteniteEither that or u disconnected
lemoniteniteSome battles trigger twice
TorpheusWhy am I battling the skeletons a second time!?
lemoniteniteFINALLY defeated leoht
WakoDoodleI use it for type coverage and it pulls me out of situations where the other mons cant be super effective
WakoDoodletbh its a good mon to have
Hilltop_Zephyrdo you play in full screen?
BladeVapYou drag the hold item from your bag to the mon
BladeVapOh i'm an idiot, i was thinking of Morabyssal
livertyhow can i get to my pokemon hold items
BladeVapi forgot which one is moreel
BladeVapOh it's rica?
Hilltop_ZephyrI cant get one in rica with it.
BladeVapWell it won't be a super rod encounter, since harsholme doesn't have the super rod
WakoDoodleI think i got one before I knew surf
Hilltop_ZephyrIs moreel a super rod encounter or a surf encounter?
ViralMagnumTyphlothat's what i said LOL
WakoDoodleso I'm guessing the guy was trying to help them out in private and accidently posted it here
lemoniteniteLeilyne keeps beating up most me mons still
WakoDoodleits a borovia guide on doing the library to the dumbwaiter
lemoniteniteWhat's a good counter to leilyne
WakoDoodleit seems to be a guide
lemoniteniteI didn't finish borovia
WakoDoodlelets read what they said :D
WakoDoodleI managed too
BladeVapI can't seem to copy it so no
ViralMagnumTyphlothat's the borovia walkthrough in spanish, don't worry
lemoniteniteDid anyone fully translate it
lemoniteniteThat's the same text as earlier man
WakoDoodleFabion seems to be copy and pasting that same essay over and over huh
lemoniteniteI think that's a copypasta by this point
WakoDoodlenot a normal jhoto but a retro jhoto
BladeVapwhat the heck
fabi0nDespués de eso, ve a la biblioteca que está al otro lado y súbete a la parte superior de las estanterías. Salta sobre ellas (botón C o X en el móvil) y, una vez que llegues al otro lado, recibirás la partitura. Interactúa con la cuerda que está en la parte inferior de esa pequeña área para que actúe como atajo para más adelante.  Después de eso, baja las escaleras nuevamente y ve hacia la derecha, luego entra por la primera puerta en la parte superior. Coloca la partitura en el piano y haz lo que es esencialmente un minijuego de Simón dice. Debes pisar las notas musicales para repetir las notas que el piano acaba de tocarte. Después de resolver el rompecabezas, el piano comenzará a tocar música por sí solo, lo que te dará la llave del salón .  Después de conseguir la llave del salón , desbloquea la puerta del salón (la puerta más cercana a la habitación de invitados a la izquierda) y asegúrate de atrapar un Litwick . Una vez que atbidoofs un Litwick, entra y enciende el fuego en la parte de atrás. Obtendrás el mantel de ahí (¿no lo obtuvimos antes en la lavandería?) y también moverá una estantería en la misma habitación, revelando una caja fuerte.  Luego sal del Salón y ve a la siguiente puerta a la izquierda, donde tendrás que preparar una mesa para un fantasma usando el Mantel . Después de hacerlo, lucha contra el fantasma y al derrotarlo te darán el plato principal, un objeto llamado Campana de Plata .  Vuelve al salón y usa la campana de plata para alimentar al Ursaring junto a la chimenea. Te dará el código de la caja fuerte , lo que te permitirá abrirla. Una vez que la abras, obtendrás el Necronomicón .  Vuelve a la biblioteca y trepa por la cuerda que trajiste y coloca el Necronomicón en el pedestal del medio. Tendrás que luchar contra dos esqueletos. Después de derrotarlos, obtendrás la llave del esqueleto .  Una vez que obtengas la llave maestra , vuelve a subir las escaleras y recorre todo el pasillo. Entra en el dormitorio principal y te encontrarás con dos guardias. Habla con ellos y te informarán de que tu arma inicial debe desbloquear su verdadero potencial antes de que puedas tener una audiencia con el conde. Ve al montaplatos , que es la cosa de metal que hay en la pared de la izquierda. Te caerás y acabarás en las cuevas abisales.
WakoDoodlehey jext, you ever thought of making a retro jhoto?
lemoniteniteU can only do it twice not more
lemoniteniteYeah that happens with battles sometimes
BladeVapaw i can't do it again
BladeVapjust rebattled a Roughneck on Cycling Road with no disconnect
WakoDoodlemeaning if you want to collect them; you gotta do all 15 again :D
WakoDoodleor maybe its a randomly picked 1 in gold
WakoDoodlea skeleton or ghost missingno would fit hell well
DokiStabbyWaifuI have no clue what I'm doing lol
WakoDoodle:thinking: which type?
ZaydenM10a golden Missingno.
ZaydenM10its the place you obtain your prize for completing the trials
ZaydenM10Hell is used in the game, but is currently being revamped.
ZaydenM10once the rest are added and Hell is revamped, then you access it through route 0 (i would guess)
MrArrisonwhat was meant for the place hell on the map?