Current users
Jext ★, Lowgin, atlasrune, NoodleKing, YatoGodzs, OniSand, tetrislicious, Ryo1shinogi0yari, AddieBallin, The_Litest_Wick, SleebyEepy, Bern, Sachamois, liverty, Wuhxsu, Ihazkirbro, Allison_Octavio, Lianne1123, DravynLeCrux, Maxoxo, SponsoredPost, CandyCorn, Torpheus, CometTheIncandescent, starrisoulfoxo, Deghami, RydenTan, MeowMello, Ayrael, Pebbleangel, HugoBrawler157, Fr0zen, IC3, Spocklate
Herii123Would come in handy when you fimd items on the ground
Herii123All they need is to have their ability's available when you turn into them like the pickup ability
αJext ★depends on the region
Herii123I'm only a mon because trainers don't suit me you know and being a Mew with a big arsenal of mons to transform into is pretty op
ZaydenM10ty for adding blind spots on this one jex
Allison_Octavioshoot where do you get that at xd
αJext ★outfit bag
Allison_Octaviohow do you change your player charecter
ZaydenM10oh btw as you can see I finally beat trial 5 jex
tyler0o0I remberd I had the tm for steel wing
αJext ★by getting good
ZaydenM10bruh how am I finna get up there
αJext ★bit further
ZaydenM10yes up there
Herii123I also can't wait to earn badges
αJext ★at the top
αJext ★there's only one checkpoint
Herii123I can't wait to go beyond continental valley
ZaydenM10hey is that part with 4 adjacent pillars of holes a checkpoint or the end
ZaydenM10oh hi jext
ZaydenM10wako do u know how to beat trial 6
WakoDoodleyep, you even feel bad if you beat them easy. No way out of it D:
WakoDoodleso bottom right or top left cloud :thumbsup:
tyler0o0thank you
WakoDoodletericia and prima cloud
ZaydenM10how do I beat trial 6? I'm trying rng spamming but I keep getting same result
Hilltop_ZephyrI hate the ninja kids
WakoDoodlehoo boy which region?
tyler0o0where do I find wingul
GraalOtonamiI'd join you, but I'm locked on Easter island until I beat the final boss
WakoDoodlepeople? Online?! D:
atlasruneThat requires finding people. :P
GraalOtonamiTry the wiki, Ayrael
GraalOtonamiNo need for it, you share the world with other players
atlasruneIs there a link  cable item in retro kanto?
Ayraelguys i'm lost in harsholme, i don't know where to go. I did see a legendary in the water, i talked to the pnj and he told me to go to the north of the map i think ? but i can't figure out where ;-; maybe i forgot something ?
WakoDoodlesee ya!
lierchucheswell folks see ya tomorow
WakoDoodlereconnecting code saved me as it dc'ed the exact moment I went through a door automatically XD
lierchuchesso xd mine has my real life rival
atlasruneBecause I giggle whenever i see "ButtsMcButtface wants to battle."
atlasruneOh god letting me name my rival was a mistake.
oatmilkzombiethe sound designers on this game and like the overall feel of this game is really fun
oatmilkzombieI just got to where you fight ovipters and there was Pikmin music playing and I got so happy
lierchuchesnezutama is a god mon
Paperboy012305It's got that STAB Boltbeam.
oatmilkzombieand I love a lot of the fakemon designs here
oatmilkzombieit's a really cool typing, electric steel is awesome
atlasruneIt's kind of weird, but also a cool typing change for with the stone.
oatmilkzombieit's a starter and it hit level 16 and didn't evolve so I was curious
oatmilkzombiethank you that makes sense
lierchuchesyeah it evolvs with ice stone
atlasruneIce stone, oat.
oatmilkzombiedoes anyone know if nezutama evolves?
R3d3Xcan i not progress past the first gym in the pokemon ruby remake?
atlasruneSurfing with your pokemon swimming behind you? That's the good stuff.
atlasruneYeah, I feel like tools ALONGSIDE pokemon is the best way.
WakoDoodleand that surfboard over there lets you sail over water
WakoDoodlefor the rocks
lierchucheslet him cook
WakoDoodlenow this might sound crazy but
atlasruneYes I know they can.
lierchuchesor the six of them
Paperboy012305In fact, two of your Pokemon can learn cut.
GraalOtonamiYou can refight blue repeatedly
Paperboy012305I wouldn't risk it.
atlasruneI dunno if I can do that.
GraalOtonamiAtlas, just lose on the SS Anne
lierchuchesatlas you will broke the game :(
atlasruneIt worked back in the original games.
Paperboy012305I'm not so sure that's how it works.
lierchuchesand hidden move is movimiento oculto in spain
atlasruneYes. That's the request. Can someone trade me a mon that already knows cut so I can skip getting cut and not have the ship sail off.
lierchuchessorry im spanish
Paperboy012305It's an HM move.
atlasruneYeah, not seeing cut in it's levelup set.
lierchuchesso diglett gets a MO move by level up?
Paperboy012305It's just one of the moves it can learn.
atlasruneOooh ok.