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Jext ★, Lowgin, atlasrune, NoodleKing, YatoGodzs, OniSand, tetrislicious, Ryo1shinogi0yari, AddieBallin, The_Litest_Wick, SleebyEepy, Bern, Sachamois, Wuhxsu, Ihazkirbro, Allison_Octavio, DravynLeCrux, Maxoxo, SponsoredPost, CandyCorn, Torpheus, CometTheIncandescent, starrisoulfoxo, Deghami, RydenTan, MeowMello, Ayrael, Pebbleangel, HugoBrawler157, ikermartinmat, Herii123, Rimimi, IC3, Ninshlas, Spocklate, Papi, SenorDougie
darkeryetdarker i was gonna say lumibuzz... wait
RezzyTheGamerhow do i sort by spdef ivs
RezzyTheGamerI need some special guy
RezzyTheGamertunnelid has 140 def
darkeryetdarkerwell you have a tank?
darkeryetdarkerthe room with the bear
RezzyTheGameranyway what should I choose as 3rd guy?
Pekkaton86I can't find it
Pekkaton86where is the safe?
Fargothzah I see...... oi
darkeryetdarkerfor 100 bp each :3
Fargothwhere do you get the ability patches?
Pekkaton86I'll check there
RezzyTheGamerwasn't it downstairs in the safe in guest room?
Pekkaton86then where is the skeleton key?
RezzyTheGamerI was confused too
RezzyTheGamerthen you already done it
RezzyTheGamerDid you get to the laundry room?
Pekkaton86okay, I am in the count's manor door puzzle, how do I get past the second part?
darkeryetdarkerfirst get a normal one from cloudia then ABILITY PATCH GRINDING
RezzyTheGamerjust expensive
RezzyTheGameryou can switch abilities with caposules
Fargothzwhere can y0u get dragonite with multi?
darkeryetdarkernamed it asgore bc hell yeah
RezzyTheGameralso you get to name my dragonite since you made me take it out the box ;)
RezzyTheGamerlast one should be a special guy
RezzyTheGamerill try that
darkeryetdarkeralso it has mulitscale so tanking the hits when switching becomes way less risky
darkeryetdarkerit also has thunder wave which with rng allows tunnalid to comeback and kill the counter [with covarage ofc]
darkeryetdarkerit lil more bulky which is a plus if your mostly gonna switch it when tunnalid is getting counter
darkeryetdarkerwell actually i feel like dragonite is better for that
RezzyTheGamerit resists everything tunnelid is weak to
darkeryetdarkeroh you meant 2v2 [bc tbh pairing mons in 1v1 is just covarage go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr]
RezzyTheGamerit's 1v1 though
darkeryetdarkeri meant telepathy lmao
darkeryetdarkeralso a sync mon
Hilltop_Zephyrthe level 45 is draybow
darkeryetdarkerwell  a earthquake immune mon is good with it
Hilltop_ZephyrI still lost
RezzyTheGamerWho should I pair with tunnelid in battle tower?
darkeryetdarkerbc burmy you go **GRIND**
Hilltop_ZephyrWhy is there a level 45 in areca city tournament?
samuel204ythola alguien me regala algo en retro kamto
XiterokWhat happens with the NPC that asks 1000 pokeyen in cv near the market?
αJext ★exciting
Herii123I'm going to have so much fun and it's going to be my first time playing it
αJext ★we're lucky to have you nix :)
WakoDoodleit's an event where spooky robots attack you in minigames and you revive a frankenstien robot bear and run from a demon foxy in a corn maze
αJext ★october plus some of november
Herii123Am I correct big brother
WakoDoodlewait wrong fall festival
Herii123It's an October only event
αJext ★ruined fair = fall festival
WakoDoodleits an event where you dress up as a yellow rabbit and lure ppl in the back of a pizzaria
XiterokAnother region
darkeryetdarkerwait wtf is ruined fair?
αJext ★2 years!
WakoDoodleTrick or Treat!
darkeryetdarkergot insta borovia ptsd from the word skeletons lmao
αJext ★ruined fair will return, and twisted thicket, too
XiterokDo you mean spooktober?
Herii123With the Halloween maps opening up again
Hilltop_Zephyrwith skeletons?
αJext ★it's gonna be a spooky month
αJext ★yeah october
αJext ★of course i do!
WakoDoodle.. wait you don't like me?! :<
αJext ★nah because i like nix. i don't want him to suffer
XiterokI start to not Remember the already caught Mons in cv
WakoDoodleSo jext, you gonna give Nix a tour around route 0? :D
αJext ★it's ok :)
αJext ★hola my entire familia
XiterokHi home
WakoDoodlejext's mom : Hi son!
αJext ★all so i could be on tv
NixcelpixAaaaaaaaa xD
NixcelpixNo, just take me a surprise Jext waiting 15 Minutes
NixcelpixNO WAY