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lemoniteniteError ???
demonycbut haveing your mouse over one mon will selected it
lemoniteniteLolzy u should swipe back and forth thru the chat and back to the game screen, I've gone thru that
WakoDoodleseems like something pugsley would have
demonyclolzyking, the selected mon is slighlty moving up and down
MxDemeanorlike that one meme
MxDemeanorchild harness
MxDemeanornot leash
livertyliteraly it ocures an error
MxDemeanormorticia addams sends out gomez addams on a leash with a big knife
WakoDoodlemroticia addams returns gothita and sends out lampyre :p
lemoniteniteI caught one pretty easily when I was there so maybe just luck issue
WakoDoodleMorticia addams sends out Gothita
Lolzykinghow do I confirm the target mon in double battles, no keys seem to work
lemoniteniteIdk keep trying I suppose
livertyis pupsea bug?
MxDemeanorgod trial 11 is doing my head in
livertysumer island
lemoniteniteOh the summer island I assume
livertyisland i dont remember mor
TorpheusMorticia Addams would totally be a hex maniac, huh?
lemoniteniteWhere ya at liver
Melodosi am being tortured by birds
livertyim having problems capturing pupsea
Pekkaton86for Corvisquire?
Pekkaton86is it good to xp grind on Larvomits?
lemoniteniteWhere's the best to grind tho, pretty much beat the local trainer population besides him so far
WakoDoodletbh lemon I just grinded levels until I could beat him
lemoniteniteI'll check it later tho my browser (on a phone rn) is kinda funky if I go to another app so I'll see it later
MxDemeanorjust sent you a friend rq
demonyccheck the wiki melodos
MxDemeanoraight swag
lemoniteniteOh my disc name is also lemonitenite
MelodosAnd where
Melodosanyone played Cloudia and knows when those Oricorio spawn
lemoniteniteDo u guys got any tips on beating the lighthouse guy on harshlome he's beating me up
MxDemeanorgive me your disc and i'll show you
lemoniteniteTbf MX I haven't seen ur style (as far as I'm aware) sooo is it really cursed
WakoDoodletbh it looks a bit like angewomon to me, maybe I'm not looking at it right
ProfessorPwell, yeah, griffith is supposed to be a handsome man, so i suppose some of it went to the mon i made
MxDemeanormy art style is just cursed
lemoniteniteMy art style is pretty much cursed to be cute 90% of the time
WakoDoodleit is cute tho
ProfessorPbro called griffith cute
lemoniteniteOooh yea
MxDemeanoroh my god I love kartana
lemoniteniteMaybe a bit disconnected tho -3-
lemoniteniteMaybe it starts out grass type (paper note, wooden sign) but then it sheds it for electric type as neon sign
WakoDoodlecute griffon mon
lemoniteniteooo that's a cute idea
ProfessorPi posted it on discord
WakoDoodlesticky note mon > sign mon > neon sign mon :D
lemoniteniteHaven't seen it yet
MxDemeanoroh prof I had an idea for an evo line
ProfessorPdid you guys see my griffith mon?
WakoDoodlethe task seems quite daunting
ProfessorPfeed me concepts and i can make mons
WakoDoodlemost I did was make the tilemaker maps for the starting area and a gym
MxDemeanorwith literally anything
MxDemeanoryou can help me
lemoniteniteI wish to help with a fanmade region but idk where to start really
MxDemeanoralso bonus points because your character is pretty much running the lab because my self insert is a cleffaing idiot
WakoDoodleim ready for our motion capture deme
MxDemeanoryeah prof you're lucky everyone else only has trainer cameos
ProfessorPopa, eu falo portugues!
WakoDoodleI google translated 1 word and it said spanish
MZenosQuite similar
ProfessorPwow, thanks Mx
MZenosportuguese? Italian?
lemoniteniteSeems Spanish
MZenosI don't know
WakoDoodleoh wait it is spanish huh
MxDemeanoryou can be the professor's assissant who is also a member of the E4
MZenosMais je parle Français
lemoniteniteI only understand like a handful of those words
Torpheus I've only just now seen gobblin and i already want one
MZenosNo hablo español :v
ProfessorPhey Mx, can i participate too? i also want a self insert as a professor
WakoDoodlea spanich person typed something I think
MxDemeanori think they're struggling with borova
αJext ★yo is that chinese or sumn
WakoDoodledeme is planning a region
lemoniteniteHelo moss
lemoniteniteWhat does that mean