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Jext ★, DravynLeCrux, Torpheus, Lowgin, Kaioh, Eidothea, ILoveCrustle, Ryo1shinogi0yari, YatoGodzs, Wuhxsu, Diegnator, Rimesh, Bern, DeKeller, S1lv3r, Droncar, Ninshlas, NonExistant7, CandyCorn, Humes, MxDemeanor, Astropixel, Lepper, Iflopp, Xiterok, elootgamr, SRaDa, URHOMIE, atlasrune, Okarim, tetrislicious, GeneralStryker, IkeTheKnight, tsw03, Ayrael, SuperAfroman, MrsArrison, Louis.920, HelixJr
BladeVapbug found
rebarwe talk about it in the discord all the time
rebarfym not really
darkeryetdarkertbh not really
LynxALot11not really
rebarits been super requested
darkeryetdarkeror use u-turn
rebaridk man pvp is a pretty high priority
rebarbut it wants to explode the second you do anything like use a 2 turn move
LynxALot11To quote you from a while ago: The Devs have other priorities
darkeryetdarkerwe have pvp but made out of glass
RezzyTheGamerpvp at home:
rebarik we have pvp technically
rebarthat does not crash when you breathe too hard
LynxALot11We have PVP
XiterokIn Pokémon Silver/Gold they introduced It too
BladeVapzI should eat lunch
rebarwhen can we get pvp
rebarnext topic
LynxALot11.....................lets change the topic
rebarthats the best part about any game
darkeryetdarkertbh i hate how any game ADDS SEX FOR NO RESSON
rebari remember that
rebaris that when the random numbers started counting down in the chat
JadeAmuletaka as breeding dw
LynxALot11then we didnt blow up :(
LynxALot11I still remember than mysterious countdown from like a month ago
darkeryetdarkerpls i swear to god
JadeAmuletpokengine 2, sex mechanic in this one
XiterokMany thought so. I'm at 29 now
MZenosWhen Pokengine 2?
LynxALot11CV isn't that bad
XiterokWhat a funny way to call CV
darkeryetdarkerit was for the future arc
rebarpretty sure its fake
LynxALot11Not that one
LynxALot11It wasn't for me :(
αJext ★it's fake
LynxALot11Say Jext, what was that mysterious pokeball in the HUB about anyways?
BladeVapHell 2: Infernal Boogaloo
rebari havent touched trials since i finished 10
darkeryetdarkerits trial 11
NithhamatThis second half of trial 8 is going to be the end of me
darkeryetdarkertrue that person should burn in hell 2
JadeAmuletthe jigsaw of the wider pokemon community
MZenosI'm too addicted
LynxALot11Hes very Evil
MZenosJext let me create my region and now I can't work on my PSDK fangame
BladeVapohai jext
BladeVapoh sorry, wrong scene
LynxALot11So true
BladeVapohai marc
αJext ★he puts people in trials and laughs at them
αJext ★i think pokengine's creator is much worse tbh
JadeAmuletoh yeah i just got an encounter midair
BladeVapI don't know, but I would not be surprised if it did not
darkeryetdarkeryou still walk in it
darkeryetdarkeri think no?
JadeAmuletdoes jumping over tall grass reduce encounters
LynxALot11I guess kinda
BladeVapbut it isn't cursed to fail now
BladeVapif you mean it'll hang over the new owners head, yeah, it's a legacy
LynxALot11The guy left like months ago
LynxALot11Not really
darkeryetdarkerstill the game is cursed byt the drama forever...
BladeVapfor now
BladeVapi kinda swore off of it for now, though
BladeVapit's safe again
LynxALot11Yeah they left the project tho
JadeAmuletyeah massive homophobe and stuff right
darkeryetdarkeryea from i know he hates like trans ppl
BladeVapyeah, the creator turned out to be a terrible person
ItsCarrotpokerogue had drama?
BladeVaphonestly, yeah, it was sad =c
JadeAmuletomg yeah that was weird
MZenosThat was sooo sad
darkeryetdarkerheh pokerogue the game that reminds me of the drama it had...
rebarat this point im just doing the grindy regions like summer and preparing for pvp