Current users
Jext ★, DravynLeCrux, S1lv3r, atlasrune, tetrislicious, Wuhxsu, Diegnator, YatoGodzs, Droncar, FlyingDutchGirl28, Lepper, DeKeller, Bern, HelixJr, SRaDa, Louis.920, Lowgin, Rimimi, MZenos, CandyCorn, bloxavise, Troxsal, Fenrir2140, justalex, scumgrifter, Xiterok, Ninshlas, Ryo1shinogi0yari, MajiNVegeta, Y1N, elootgamr, Ami16, Vase, AWFoxy, PoKwarro, Daniel_Quiles, Papi, Torpheus, Culeeer
darkeryetdarkerhe bacamed a father
RezzyTheGamerhe dissapeared
RezzyTheGamerHe did the greatest magic tricks of all
BladeVapmy Mr Mime is gone
WakoDoodle1 shiny staryu
darkeryetdarker10000000 ppp
RezzyTheGamerKinda tired of battling those guys
RezzyTheGamerHow much would I need to pay someone to get the bastions mons for me?
darkeryetdarkeri think you entered the time machine
WakoDoodleyeah this color will work, its botyh obnoxious and purple
BladeVapLooks like i lost the thunderbadge too
BladeVapI lost some levels
JadeAmuletwhy no collection
BladeVapI had to exit and reenter RK
BladeVapoh, nvm
darkeryetdarkerpink is better tbh
RezzyTheGamerfondness forest is a valentines event
BladeVapyeah my retro kanto pc is empty
WakoDoodleeh I dunno if I like this colour
BladeVapmy pc is empty
WakoDoodlethe blue to violet shade is done
RezzyTheGamerfondel deez ****
ICHOOZUCAHow do You get to fondel forest in hub
darkeryetdarkernah your only kecleon
WakoDoodleI don't know half of them but I am them
WakoDoodleI am many things
RezzyTheGamerI hit him with iron head, he switches to a steel type and then i earthquake him
RezzyTheGamerHe's wacko
darkeryetdarkerthis is wako
JadeAmuletsame but i dont wanna
WakoDoodleI er, ate all the skittles at once
LynxALot11Wako ur Colour keeps changing
darkeryetdarkeractually i just got a image of that piccalo scene where he murges with another guy but its jext and jext2 lmao
BladeVapI need to do battle bastion
JadeAmuletno thats txej
darkeryetdarkerno that is his evil clone
RezzyTheGamerYou have to become Jext2
darkeryetdarkerand become something greater
RezzyTheGamerYou have to conquer your fear
αJext ★no i'm too scared
RezzyTheGamerJext can you beat gen 3 bastion 2 times for me?
darkeryetdarkerwako why are you changing colors every second are you kecleon or something?
XiterokToday just a pair of times
XiterokYesterday It was worse
ItsCarroti made it to the checkpoint
JadeAmuletbut honestly i feel like its not working, i was able to reconncet without reloading way more before the patch
darkeryetdarkerpr he is trying to snap us
Fiettohey vex
WakoDoodlenah jext is just testing the reconnect and server stability
JadeAmuletyeah they amde some changes to the system
darkeryetdarkerman im getting disconnected a lot today
WakoDoodlejext the reconnect test worked
WakoDoodlewow I take a bath and a whole ig day passes :D
rebarbut it makes things really interesting
rebarofc thats not the only thing that makes it unique
rebaryes but not in a format like pokemon
JadeAmuletyeah a ton of unique content here
LynxALot11like most of them
LynxALot11Lots of mmos have pvp
darkeryetdarkerwell it already set apart bc its so unique
rebarthere arent many games where you can play the pokemon game and after its done fight people with the stuff you caught
rebarits just that the addition of pvp sets it apart from other mmos
JadeAmuletin a world where anyhting was possible that would be my choice
JadeAmuletoh yeah definitely
darkeryetdarkeralso trying to code that hoho
darkeryetdarkereh raids would be weird
JadeAmuleti feel like id rather have a raid system
rebarit just blackscreens every 10 battles and ends my streak
rebarbattle tower is really easy
darkeryetdarkerthat can use them
LynxALot11Its really annoying
darkeryetdarkerbattle tower exists :3
LynxALot11and have been for months now
LynxALot11Almost the Blue fights are bugged
rebarbut id like to be able to put global pc mons to good use
JadeAmuleton the one hand if there was competitive itd give a reason to hunt ivs and train evs, the games late game content, but on the other hand theres ton of super unbalanced stuff not designed for that environemnet
rebarim not either
BladeVapable to refight RK Rival on the SS Anne
darkeryetdarkernot all ppl here are vgc pvp maniacs