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LynxALot11I thought it was just Jessie and James in that one that was different
darkeryetdarkerwe unlocked it for you :3
LynxALot11Yeah but it can be in every game
BladeVapcanonically, yellow is "RB, but anime"
levelameshI tried that but after you guys said it, it just worked out of no where
BladeVapIt can be
LynxALot11oh is Blue names Gary in Yellow?
darkeryetdarkermouse is a risking move
NixcelpixBetter use the arrow keys
LynxALot11or mouse
NixcelpixArrow keys or the Mouse
LynxALot11Arrow keys
WakoDoodleyeah, I think gary is only in yellow
levelameshhow do I target a pokemon in a double battle?
darkeryetdarkerthis cutie got beaten up so much
LynxALot11(also Gary and Blue are different characters)
WakoDoodlemy charizard is lvl 97 thanks to it though
darkeryetdarkeralso awwwww :mon_005qknsc:
WakoDoodleI fought him so much my brain is failing
darkeryetdarkerman was playing retro johto
LynxALot11Wait which Blue fight?
WakoDoodlesorry gary
WakoDoodleno evolve after I win and it was alive still so I dunno
WakoDoodlethe weird part is, I fought red twice to get it to lvl 42
LynxALot11What level did you catch it at
NixcelpixYou catch in what level?
LynxALot11its 35 in main games too
darkeryetdarkeroh this is sick :mon_00s77anu:
NixcelpixWeird, the page say lvl 35
WakoDoodleevolve at lvl 44
WakoDoodleit worked
NixcelpixHonedge evolve in level 35, weird
LynxALot11Aww its cute
LynxALot11Level it up again?
darkeryetdarkerok i hate bold drifloon so much :mon_00haa9gd:
JadeAmuletohhh i was using the collection id lmao
WakoDoodlewhy isn't it evolving?
Nixcelpix:mon_00hq9xqy: I am trash matter... I am clean matter... I can see your past... I can see your future... I consume candies... And I will consume you!
WakoDoodlemy honeedge is at lvl 43
LynxALot11but without the space
LynxALot11:mon_00hq9xqy : type this
LynxALot11But i never evolved it
JadeAmuletwhat the hell why cant i post him lol
LynxALot11I have a Severm I got from the auction ages ago
WakoDoodle:mon_0079ul3y: this creeps me out a bit
Hilltop_ZephyrStrange Trash Pokemon?
LynxALot11It works for me
WakoDoodlewhat if the big bad wolf is red riding hoods dad?
WakoDoodlewell red riding hoods mom was never seen
darkeryetdarkerred riding hood
JadeAmuletit just wont let me post garbadjinn specifically
Hilltop_ZephyrRed Riding Hood?
JadeAmuletwhat the hell?
WakoDoodlelegend of sun wukong @dark ?
LynxALot11The ID not the UID
darkeryetdarkertbh i forgot the book name bc this is 100% reference to it :mon_00wzd9g2:
JadeAmuletyes im copy pasting it
WakoDoodle:mon_000bfuth: I don't like the way its looking at me
LynxALot11The one from the mons page
LynxALot11are you using the right ID?
JadeAmuletwhy cant i see him
darkeryetdarkerwait... :mon_00idyxhh:
WakoDoodle:mon_0044x5ox: I love the pun kept going
Hilltop_Zephyr:mon_00tfq3pd: This one will work, Sureley?
darkeryetdarkerhe looks actually threating
darkeryetdarkerwhy is that so good lmao
LynxALot11idk if its obtainable but
LynxALot11I want this one
WakoDoodlesummy > Alpha Sunny
WakoDoodleChar > Friss > Krisis
Hilltop_Zephyr:mon_10vvpsw8: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!
WakoDoodlesuns > Papari > Guster
darkeryetdarkerperfection :mon_00gq5uj1:
LynxALot11is :mon_00dbmyyx:
LynxALot11:mon_00dbmyyx this with the : at the end