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MaryAmarysmodest mint
MaryAmarysi think the worst part is gonna be getting an adamant mint and a
LightDiabloimma grind BP to get the bracers back cuz carrot has em
MaryAmarysi finished Necrogeist and Impetal
MaryAmarysnot quite yet
LightDiablodid u finish EV training?
MaryAmarysworking on my team
MaryAmarysoh hi Diablo
MaryAmarysgo to kanto, go to any pc, start moving pokemon from the regional pc to the global pc
MaryAmarysmy dark team is very close to completion
SanguineSolok and how do i go about doing that?
MaryAmaryshi Spidops
MaryAmarysyou gotta put them in the global box before you leave kanto
SanguineSoldo i have to do something on hub to use them ?
SanguineSolI have just finished the E4 and champ in kanto i can see when i go to the PC i can switch between global and reginal but i cant see any of my mons in the regional box when on the hub?
Primalgood night y'all
Primaleaster island involves a lot of egg hatching
capoznichborovia, harsholme, or easter island all have pretty good stuff and seem to be complete
PrimalAight sleep time
Primalharsholme is good as well
UnityI was thinking between those.
PrimalYou could try borovia
Primalhowever you can unlock global pc after 2nd gym
Primalonly goes up to 3rd gym
UnityTrying to decide what region I really want to start off is hard. I was considering Rica, but how complete is it?
Vespersnowyeah im the same way with sinnoh
BladeVapyeah s'why i haven't touched it
BladeVapopen but not doable
Vespersnowdang still to the 5th gym?
BladeVaponly goes up to gym 4 and ends at Petalburg Gym being open
BladeVapno it's not
Vespersnowis hoenn complete?
Vespersnowi have a gold chalker i still want the rainbow dog tho
BladeVapgolden shinies are 1 in 10000
BladeVapmuch higher odds than official games
Vespersnowquick question what are the shiny odds again?
MajiNVegetaI think its better now
OwOborosok thanks
BladeVapi think it won't matter whihc one
OwOborosDo i sell it to any shop?
OwOboroswhat's relic gold and relic copper for
BladeVapEaster Island of course
BladeVapI'd be going after Quamorian Spoink
Vespersnowhow you getting eggs?
BladeVapI wish
Vespersnowis there breeding now?
BladeVapon the flip side, finally got cutiefly
BladeVapand far as i can tell, none of them are shiny pokemon eggs =c
BladeVapeggs everywhere
Primalu could control the market if ya wanted to
UnityHi :)
MajiNVegetaI think i am thé only one who put trained pokémon there
Primalhey unity
PrimalI never use the auction so idk what dark magics happen in there
Vespersnowdoes anyone know if i can obtain milotic anywhere?
UnityThis is so strange getting used to this haha
PrimalI'm just kiddin
Primalabout 9999?
MajiNVegetaDifférent prices
Primalfor how much
MajiNVegetaI am putting some trained pokémon there
Primalwhat do you propose
MajiNVegetaI think its Time to revive auctions
SleepymodeBye Everyone. Have a good night
SleepymodeBut i'll leave that to Tomorrow
SleepymodeWell. I have to grind. A lot
MxDemeanorOh and also rare candies in the hub. One bp for one rare candy
Primalyup thats why they're so good
Vespersnowoh i didnt know that
Primalwith your party average lvl
Primalthey scale
Vespersnowah i didnt think of that