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MaryAmarysi took the one that gets stab
LightDiabloye see which one is better
MaryAmarysboth of Astervoid's signatures can put a pokemon to sleep
LightDiabloimma go and get some mints
LightDiabloand interact with blue bars
LightDiabloye go back where u came from
MaryAmarysgotta get out of this safari
LightDiablocome to market
LightDiablou know what
MaryAmarysit gave me the ticket again and sent me to the thicket
LightDiabloare u sure
MaryAmarysfor the safari
MaryAmarysit reset my progress
MaryAmarysalright lemme go get heart scales
LightDiabloguess my fav pokemon guyes
LightDiabloteach ur pokemon fly first
LightDiablothe town u wanna fly to
LightDiabloye so click on the map
LightDiabloare u on mobile?
LightDiabloclick on the map
Ihazkirbrohow do i use fly on the field?
LightDiablothat's how I got 2 of mine
LightDiablou can fish for heart scales using an old rod in solemn snowpark
MaryAmarysI'm in the market
LightDiabloI have 2 heart scales
MaryAmarysthey want to
LightDiablothey are doing retro Kanto right?
MaryAmarysunless it's the small ones
MaryAmaryssadly i am simply barred from doing regions until my friends are ready
LightDiabloor do retro Kanto Mary
LightDiablotrade it to me and I'll relearn it for u
LightDiabloonce I'm done with the battles
LightDiablou know what
MaryAmarysleft clicking brings up their summary
LightDiabloand then does it say 'relearn moves'
LightDiabloleft click on ur pokemon in team
LightDiablooh I see
MaryAmarysdo i go somewhere on summer island to relearn?
LightDiabloits in Power plant
Ihazkirbroi need to teach velopard thunder but i dont have the tm anywhere, i know its in kanto tho
LightDiabloI even reseted it
LightDiabloye its fun
leviathini love retroo
LightDiablou can relearn moves there
leviathinretro kanto is funnn
LightDiabloye Kanto has it ihazkir
LightDiablour friends are doing it no?
leviathini hate this
LightDiabloalso why don't u do retro Kanto?
Ihazkirbrodamn was hoping that you had it in kanto aswell
leviathinanother hopalot
LightDiablothat's what I do for retro kanto
MaryAmarysi'll check
LightDiablocan u do that in summer?
LightDiabloand click relearn moves
LightDiablogo to summer
MaryAmarysEaster, Summer, Borovia
LightDiablowhich places do u have global PC in?
MaryAmarysMeteor Shower
MaryAmarysso i need to get a heart scale for that
MaryAmarysand its signature induces sleep
LightDiabloits for support
MaryAmarysi can teach it that
MaryAmarysno it can learn thunderbolt
MaryAmarysi think only the day time one can?
LightDiablocan it learn thunderbolt?
MaryAmarysone fighting move and it blows up
Vespersnowgoodnight everyone
LightDiabloI got one
Vespersnowalright its time for me to pass out
MaryAmarysdark rock
LightDiablowhat type is it?
MaryAmarysneed to get heart scales
MaryAmarysi have thunder wave and night daze on it rn