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LightDiabloand maximize ur sp atk
LightDiablouse focus sash it
LightDiablowe can maybe decrease opponent speed and then nab em
LightDiablowell there we go
MaryAmarysbut it gets thunder wave to cut priority
LightDiabloany speed boosting moves?
MaryAmarysit doesn't get agility no
LightDiabloits more like a slow glass cannon
LightDiabloand then use ur sp atk move
LightDiablou can increase speed
LightDiablowell focus sash means u last one more turn
MaryAmarysmight train special attack special defense? or that , that too
LightDiablocan it learn something like agility or something
LightDiabloand maybe have it use speed and sp atk
Vespersnowyour welcome
MaryAmarysthough one fighting move and it blows up
LightDiablomaybe run focus sash it
Unitywell that explains why it wasn't working as a move lolll thank you
LightDiabloit is less bulkier
MaryAmarysbut i also wanted to make it a bit bulkier
LightDiablowhat is it good for?
LightDiablodepends on how you wanna play it as
MaryAmarysyeah it does
LightDiabloit has good sp atk
UnityAhhh. Okay.
Vespersnowit means it doesnt work at the moment
UnityWhat does the (N) mean on a move?
MaryAmaryswhat to run for stats on Astervoid
LightDiabloits important you know how to fight using your team
MaryAmarysnow i need to get the uh
LightDiabloyes Easter island does
leviathindose easter island have global or nah
MaryAmarysor if i can get ice fang on it
MaryAmarysi was thinking body slam for para chance
MaryAmarysdragon claw or body slam
LightDiablomaybe have a support move that is can cover its weaknesses
MaryAmarysand then like
MaryAmarysi think either is good tbh
LightDiabloso u have sword dance, the water move, night slash
MaryAmarysoh i am
LightDiabloconsider weighing each of em
LightDiablowell speaking of which,
MaryAmarysweighing between waterfall, and move that just bypasses protect
LightDiablothat's why I used it on my gyara
MaryAmarysthat's true
LightDiablonever misses
LightDiablohas 10% flinch chance
MaryAmarysyeah, i just need to get it to level 64
LightDiablowaterfall has more pp
LightDiabloye can u obtain it as of rn?
LightDiabloteach it sword dance
MaryAmarysdepth charge is very good
LightDiablouse night slash instead of sucker punch
MaryAmarysoh that'd be nice
LightDiabloI can teach it waterfall if u want
LightDiabloalso make sure to give it a moveset based on its stats
MaryAmarysAtrocean ev training done
leviathinyea im stil collecting the monc
LightDiabloanyways u building ur team?
leviathinwooop wooop
LightDiablojust reached a thousand viws
leviathinthe hub challenge
leviathinglad to see ur still premoting it
LightDiablostop what?
leviathini was worried you guys stopped doing that
Vespersnowno other reason lol
Vespersnowfavorite pokemon
LightDiablowhy do u need entei?
Vespersnowanyone shiny hunting?
Vespersnowdang it
Volcanrondont think so, no
Vespersnowis entei obtainable?
MaryAmarysand also i have to get an adamant mint anyways
MaryAmarysbut idk if i wanna try and catch a modest lurelit
Volcanronyou got the grave boi?
MaryAmarysthat's true
Syk0anyone know where a sunstone is in borovia?
LightDiabloor u catch a new pokemon
LightDiabloits either that