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Loukaka, MaryAmarys, Ganbare-Lucifer, YTSamurai, Thewades46, Kyemon, 89Celebi, Herii123, Austin9_10, LXR, envychimera, shyft, Jext ★, ForlornHope, BuffalomanX, blackem, LightDiablo, RisaSaffron, Vess, Sincubus, Mowgli23, PACTBOUND, Solkeist, BladeVap, Papi, Alicia, Fuzzy, MxDemeanor, michacal123, TGAnole55, FruitMan, CoohooTheGruny, Primal, Araima, Teaowl, Ushidoshi, AsPerrUsual, Zaxarone, Azria ★, atlasrune, Syk0, Bern, Hakinna, deckow88, brandonstfu, jeonefrost, HelixJr, mattgcn, MagnumTheQuilSlayer, ShamrockAura, LilyEvans-16567, SuperNovana, Count_Fapula, budabu, Sov, Speeder, pikapop-soda, Okidoki, OwOboros, angstyx, thoompy, Godcell, Paperboy012305, David21pr23, 10B, leviathin, AngelOShadows, Dee_134, Adriyt121
MaryAmarysoh wait
MxDemeanorwait mary do you have a chupacho
LynxALot11Or any news other than its coming back
LynxALot11cuz we dont have a date :(
BladeVap /inside joke
LightDiabloI'll come later
BladeVapIt is almost Octoby
LightDiablowant me to give u a good build?
LynxALot11and then (hopefully) Fall Fest/Twisted Thicket
LightDiabloit needs speed
LightDiabloand for impetal
LightDiablosp def on atrocean
LynxALot11Im so excited only one more day until October
MaryAmarysi'm training it in special attack
MxDemeanorI have chupacho though
MxDemeanorI don't ahve grimfernal
MaryAmarysImpetal needs speed
MaryAmarysAtrocean needs sp. def
MaryAmarysmy grimfernal who needs special attack
MaryAmarysI'm gonna trade you uh
LightDiablotrain on the sand
MxDemeanorright right which bracers go to which one again
LightDiablofor speed
LightDiablosurf on the pond above
LightDiablouse the sp def bracer for atrocean
LightDiablotrain one pokemon at a time
LightDiabloMx will give u the bracers
LightDiablohey mary
LightDiablocuz I need to go and take a shower
BladeVapI did mean before it hatches =P
LightDiabloye can u trade the bracers to mary
MxDemeanorhatch it
BladeVapsparkles on the egg in the overworld would be great
MxDemeanorwell yes
MxDemeanorall g all g
BladeVapis there any way to tell if an egg is shiny?
LightDiabloye I put it in PC by accident
BladeVapi forgot
MxDemeanorecause i don't have it
MxDemeanorDid you lose the impetalb
LightDiablowait hold on
LightDiabloand I need speed for the impetal
Turnipstonksi caught it
Turnipstonkslets gooooo
LightDiabloI need sp def for this mon
LightDiabloI'll trade the Mon back
LightDiabloye just trade with the bracer
MxDemeanorAight give me the mon you're training and I'll give you them back holding the bracers
LightDiablohas not been on lately
LightDiabloits just that carrot borrowed mine
LightDiablosorry man
MxDemeanorI'm so laggy wtf
LightDiabloand sp Atk and sp def
LightDiabloI need speed
MxDemeanorwhich barcer do you eed
MxDemeanoromw light
MaryAmarysgrinding money
MaryAmarysdo /unstuck
LightDiabloye can you come here
MrArrisonhey guys im walking through walls how do i stop
LightDiablosp def then
MaryAmarysyeah that works
LightDiabloto make it as bulk as its def stat?
LightDiabloor sp Def?
MaryAmarysdefense could work
LightDiablohow about defense?
MaryAmarysif not, hp
MaryAmarysprobably also speed?
MaryAmaryshold on lemme look at it's spread
LightDiablobut wb atrocean?
MaryAmarysfor second ev
MaryAmarysnot sure for Atrocean
LightDiabloik impetal for speed
LightDiablowhich EVs for atrocean and impetal
MaryAmarysgrimfernal should be ready for training
MxDemeanorhold on I'll be right there
LightDiabloI'm getting more bracers
MxDemeanorYou can borrow one of my bracers
MaryAmarysto fully reset at least 2 of their evs
LightDiabloye I can get the BP
BladeVapgranted, i want a maple one
MaryAmarysi have three special attackers but i need to get money
LightDiabloI cant for speed cuz I lent some of my bracers to ItsCarrot
BladeVapnow i want a doughnut