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LightDiablowhich one next?
MxDemeanorbarely any jam
LightDiabloI have grinded Atk EVs
MxDemeanorI just had two jam donuts and they were so good but so disappointing
LightDiablobut I like the ones in effort island cuz of accessibility
LightDiabloye u can
MxDemeanorAnd harsholme too I think
MaryAmarysthat's true
LightDiabloye cuz atrocean can use better moves
MxDemeanorYeah but you can also get them on Effort island
LightDiabloye and on Effort Island as well
MaryAmarysfix ? i mean, ig
MaryAmarysthing i can get from battle factory?
LightDiabloalso want me to fix the moveset of your pokemon?
MaryAmarysoh the uh
MxDemeanorThey raise friendship and reset evs
LightDiablocuz I had to buy 2 to get most out of ur pokemon
MaryAmarysev candy?
LightDiablothat is 10,500*4
LightDiablocuz u need 4 EV candy
MaryAmarysa lady be broke
LightDiabloye can u grind more money
MaryAmarysuhhh, not much, i need to go on another round of money grinding with drenchest
Turnipstonksi found where it is
Turnipstonksyeah ok thanks bro
LightDiabloMary how much money do u have?
MxDemeanorAnd the routes
MxDemeanorIf you click on a mon and scroll down its lil site profile theres a link to see what maps it shows up in
Turnipstonkswhere did u find that
Turnipstonksoh damn thanks bro
MxDemeanorAnd pink is tercia
BladeVapit may be on the wiki too though
MxDemeanorRed is secura
BladeVapthe website you access this page from has several dexes
Turnipstonksred is what
LightDiablocan I have my birds back plz
LightDiablooh ye Mx
MxDemeanorYellow is Secura
Turnipstonksis this on wiki?
MxDemeanorPurple one is Sky Port and Prima Cloud
Turnipstonkslike just check different clouds
Turnipstonksliterally like nothing else
Turnipstonkssite said just check
MxDemeanorCheck the site for what clouds to check
Turnipstonksim going through hell rn
Turnipstonkslucky as hell bro
MxDemeanorI did cloudia too but I cheated (i bullied light into trading me the oricorio
LightDiabloits uncommon encounter
Turnipstonksdo i just check random places then
LightDiablou get it in the green grass
Turnipstonksso this one is day right
Shengian_SpidopsDiablo where do i get thawrax??
LightDiabloI have done cloudia
MxDemeanorFavourite form tbh
BladeVapyep that one
Turnipstonksyeah the baile one?
BladeVapi haven't been to cloudia yet but I know that one gets people
BladeVapahh the default ori
Turnipstonksthe red one
Turnipstonksnot descriptive enough
LightDiablothe red one is in day
BladeVapwhich color?
Turnipstonksyeah ok thats mb
BladeVapbetter question
MxDemeanorthat's the gimmick
MxDemeanorthey're all dancers
Turnipstonkswould the dancing one be night i assume then
MxDemeanorTwo are day two are night
Turnipstonksin a certian area
Turnipstonksor does it have to a be a time of day
Shengian_Spidops(In safari zone)
Turnipstonksi've got 3 do i just try areas where they werent?
Shengian_SpidopsWhere is thawrax??
brandonstfuah i see
BladeVapnot daily, more quickly than that I think?
Turnipstonksoh what?
MxDemeanorThey reset whenever you reload the area
brandonstfuthese trainers at the hub, reset daily for cash?
LightDiabloat different times of day
LightDiabloye its one on different clouds
BladeVapI've had a few people run up to me and immediately try to trade or battle me
Turnipstonksanyone know where to find that like dancing oricorio on cloudia
BladeVapprobably should ask first though
BladeVapYeah, by interacting you can offer to battle or trade with someone
MaryAmarysgonna be a lot of going in and out of solemn