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Droncarsnails at least
WakoDoodleoh? worms swap genders?
DroncarThey are both female and male, but not at the same time
WakoDoodleworms? probably the same :D
darkeryetdarkerbaloonga is decent its also nice bc ICE TYPE EXPLOSION
Ihazkirbrowhat gender are worms wako
SPradthe pig is name "yoink"
RezzyTheGamerwhos got pokemon blue
WakoDoodleaka. they have both male and female designs
Twiekahnormal one
RezzyTheGamersup gamers
WakoDoodlewhile we're on the subject of unusual parenting did you know slugs and snails are both genders?
SPradso out of poket
Ihazkirbroim gonna say the b word
SPradwhat type of playthrough are you doing
Twiekahis balloonga bad cause its in my party for the moment :p
SilkeregnI would never ever not make sense.
Ihazkirbrook ig tht makes sense
Ihazkirbrois it a seahorse?
SilkeregnMale sea horses are the one that give birth to babies
Silkeregnis a male
Ihazkirbrom- manpreg?!?!
SilkeregnMy Kaelpie
WakoDoodlehow about violet after the kid that turned into a blueberry
Ihazkirbroexcuse me?!
SPradseagulp is harmbae
SilkeregnMan, Manpreg is sweeping these poison types
SPradKaren is the balloonga
WakoDoodleharambe the slaking XD
Ihazkirbrorachel isnt, karen might be
SPradis it bad?
TwiekahName it Karen so you can be always mad at it :D
SPradi can name the balloonga rachel>
Ihazkirbroname it rachel so i can redirect jexts hoke onto it
SPradok i guess?
Silkeregncause I want it named after you
DrakenSilverThey live on sheer cliff faces of like 700 feet and avoid getting picked off by birds of prey and other preadators by how caustic their vomit is enough to strip weathering from feathers and blind them
Silkeregnname the seagulp SPrad
SPradso Xiterok you want the seagulp to be named after you>
Ihazkirbrodamn didnr embed
WakoDoodlebut I already am
Droncarim fine, ty
Ihazkirbropokengine meta players when someone mentions potential new status conditions
SPradi askied if anyone wants to be named after one of my pokemon
DrakenSilverSeagulp is based off of Barnacle chicks
XiterokDon't mind me
XiterokThe One he asked
SPradik thats what im saying
Silkeregnus who?
SPradi dont get it
XiterokIsn't the seagulp named After US?
SPradwho wants to be named after my seagulp
SPradin other, other words, "nah id win"
darkeryetdarkerin other words your welcoming your death with open arms
SPradand its my first ever run on harslome
SPradim doing a TEAM SKY run
PrimalThats because god tapir is gentle
Primaloh you wanna know why it has good iv's?
XiterokColumn IV
XiterokJust look at stats
PrimalHello this is primal
SPradwhy and how
Silkeregncheck the IVs on the first dog
darkeryetdarkerwith 3 31 ivs
SPradanother dog
SPradthe egg is hatching
MajiNVegetaKnow what i dont care if its a girl
Silkeregni believe
Silkeregnthere are two trainers with shiny dogs
WakoDoodleoh wrong girl
SPradand od=fcorsue its not shiny
SPradbut she gave me a dog
SPradwell idk if its a girl
XiterokWhat happened?
WakoDoodle:eye: v :eye:
MajiNVegetaFind out
MajiNVegetaI just wanna know
MajiNVegetaHow did u foundnout thats a girl