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WakoDoodletbh I wouldn't mind if CV and others similar to it, have a different NPC to talk to in the airpost for challenging regions
Silkeregnregional pc is usually unlocked after beating the story, but its unlocked pretty early in rica
TwiekahThe halloween one neither I guess
Silkeregnexcept for early development ones like Sinnoh and Hoenn, CV does not allow criss crossing by design
Silkeregnmost regions allow you to bring mons to other regions
TwiekahAre the pokemon only bound to a region or will there be a moment where you can criss cross?
WakoDoodleeh kinda, you're both right
SilkeregnI dont think
Silkeregnthats not what he meant
ICHOOZUCASo i go to rica
WakoDoodleI want to do a lot of things but im trapped in rica XD
ICHOOZUCAWako do You want to battle
RezzyTheGameryo blue gamers put slowpoke and poliwhirl in auction
WakoDoodlethats a lot of hawluca
RezzyTheGamerI have 3 kings rocks?
Ihazkirbroguess not
ICHOOZUCAI'm not i'm hub but If You want
Ihazkirbrocolo you online?
RezzyTheGamerkanto* sorry
RezzyTheGamersomeone up for trade evo in hub?
TwiekahThanks Dark
ICHOOZUCADoes somebody know how to go out of centinela valey to the next part
darkeryetdarkerit around 4500 steps away so should't take long
darkeryetdarkerjust keep it an till it hatches
TwiekahRather stupid question but maybe in this poke it was different :p
RezzyTheGamerwho wanna trade evo with me?
TwiekahIn Harsholme the egg you get at the beginning, should I just keep walking until it hatches?
RezzyTheGamerI got a kings rock
SPradah ok
SPradthe blue thing?
darkeryetdarkertalk to the guy with the squid
SPradhow do i get it
darkeryetdarkeroh wait then i think its the birds that gonna get murdered
SPraddid that for trail kit
SPradand what?
darkeryetdarkergonna get 10 tiny leaf's
darkeryetdarkerbc if its harsholme then go do murder
darkeryetdarkerwaht region
SPradhow to get shallow water rod
calhutchersonJust don't know what I want my team to be
calhutchersonI'm grinding rn to get my team to level 20
darkeryetdarkeryou will find out :3
RezzyTheGamer5% hold chance
calhutchersonHow much grind
Silkeregnwhat region
RezzyTheGamerrazor claw*
RezzyTheGamerI'll trade for quick claw
RezzyTheGamerWho wants to get magmarizer for me? ;P
darkeryetdarkerit won't matter your still will have to grind
calhutchersonand what's bad
calhutchersonNot sure what's good
WakoDoodlewait... why is the fire mon on blue?
SilkeregnIs there a way to look up what shinies havent been found yet?
WakoDoodledark is also right, electabuzz seems to be red
darkeryetdarkeryour choice
calhutchersonShould I add Sauntler to my team?
darkeryetdarkeri think its electric cousin is blue so magmar is red
WakoDoodleaha its pokemon blue only
RezzyTheGamerdamn I traded it
RezzyTheGameroh maybe not
SPradcaught what?
RezzyTheGamerI think...
RezzyTheGamerI caught one
RezzyTheGamerI think I fought it
WakoDoodlewas magmar red or blue only?
RezzyTheGamerbut first magmer
WakoDoodlehuh I didn't know you can search items and who drops them
RezzyTheGameri need 2 kings rocks for politoed and slowking
SPradnah id win
darkeryetdarker(you so u know their is a electric specialist so your dead)
darkeryetdarkerwell have funny winning with 3 mons ig
SPradmore of Team Sea yk
RezzyTheGameroh shiet we can
calhutchersonIs Minyan good?
WakoDoodledon't think so. Then again I didn't thing we could get the claw and that turned out to be real
SPradbut its coral
RezzyTheGamercan we get kings rock?
darkeryetdarkerit floats tho
SPradthe fire one isnt becasue its coral
darkeryetdarkerand this :mon_00xojnvp:
SPradlet me check
darkeryetdarkerok so this is a team sky mon :mon_00gmv8vr:
RezzyTheGamerimma try getting magmortar
Silkeregnmaybe someone does