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PrimalI would say you guys could make your own channel here in chat
Shengian_SpidopsWell too bad.
ColosoalI say tarzan leader idea becomes the proffeser and gives us the options of the starters, gives us the dex, and access to teh first zone
MonsieurElmayeah, it is
Shengian_SpidopsThats your problem.
Shengian_SpidopsWhat did i even do??
ColosoalSo we got almost everything layed down
MonsieurElmaoh shut up
Shengian_Spidopsthe *AREA* and *0* huh?
MonsieurElmaso it would look like this : Get to Savanah hub, buy your kit, explore the area, you have 0 remaining balls/ potion, so you head back to the savanah hub to purchase a new kit
ColosoalDid we ever do anything with the tarzan leader idea?
MonsieurElmaand it respect the safari feeling
ColosoalWill take forever but still sounds fun
ColosoalI say it’s smart
ColosoalSo it does loop back to trainers being scattered across the zones
MonsieurElmawhat do you say colo ?
Primalthey are good
MonsieurElmabattles are done the classic wau
ColosoalAre they good at least :)
MonsieurElmaand you leave the area when your kit is either empty or when you feel like you are done
PrimalI'm just sitting here reading you guys come up with ideas
MonsieurElmawith your kit you go in the area and spend as many time as you wish to spend
ColosoalOh thsi Loops back to trainers being scattered across the zones :0
MonsieurElmabetter kits will cost more
MonsieurElmain this hun you can buy a "kit" with safari balls and stuff
ColosoalHow did this even loop back to why the player was their?
MonsieurElmaevery zone has its little hub that you can access with the jeep
ColosoalWhich would cause the player to go their..
MonsieurElmalets make it simple
ColosoalThat’s advertised as bigger and better
ColosoalSo essentially a funner safari zone
MonsieurElmalets not have them then
ColosoalThe safari zone mechanics
ColosoalYknow what ruins all of this
MonsieurElmaat least my 10th of this guy XD
ColosoalThis is a safari zone..
ColosoalI just realized
MonsieurElmashiny druidune
ColosoalWait a second..
AminyOh, yeah that’s a good idea
MonsieurElmalets have regular unown and if you get all the unown forms you get a given shiny sygiliph
ColosoalHave them all die or keep them but they are regular?
Ihazkirbroyeah make unown m a w!
MonsieurElmaflip those unowns
MonsieurElmayou know what
ColosoalSo I’m clueless
ColosoalNatu is ra
MonsieurElmawe coujld make ONE original mon based on the ankhn
AminyAnd the eye
MonsieurElmalike the bird one
MonsieurElmalets only make a few unknows for specific hieroglyphs
AminyAnd having all, or at least a some of them to show the variety of butterflies
AminyJust meant the many designs it has
ColosoalAlso elma you suggested a regional Unkown based on hieroglys
AminyOh, I didn’t mean a regional vivillon
AminyYeah I’ll retract my gazelle deerling idea
ColosoalAminy suggested regional vilion and regional Maura based off of mokebre mberebe cryptid
MonsieurElmaexclude them
ColosoalSeriously those made no sense..
ColosoalI’m also excluding the ones from spidops
MagnumTheQuilSlayerthat theme always plays when i open my EASTER island pc box since i don't release mons
MonsieurElmagazelle deerling doesnt feel necessary
ColosoalIma find what I’m missinh
ColosoalGazelle deerling, elephant graveyard phanphy, Nile river whatever the unova desert crocodile was
MonsieurElmatoo bad it is copyrighted
MonsieurElmai found a music that could fit for the final battle
AminySo I’ll at least retract the regional amaura/aurorus and just say the normal versions as a reference to that cryptid I mentioned
MonsieurElmaalso have we said noibat for the mountain ?
AminyI don’t remember but I apologize because I feel like I contributed to many of them
MonsieurElmayou need to many things
Shengian_Spidopsi need zubat :(
ColosoalIma go and count now
MonsieurElmai dont want to know
ColosoalHow many regionals do we got?
MonsieurElmaor smthn else
ColosoalOr it could be all artifcal idk
MonsieurElmawhy bother
Primalwhats the safari theme?
ColosoalAll we need is a region name
ColosoalSo we got story, mechanics, mons, and secrets down
MonsieurElmai went from Hallelujah to Jolene and now Alexia's theme from code veronica
MonsieurElmamy playlist is a mess
MonsieurElmai only know how to code in RPGmaker
Primalthere's always a solution: learn
ColosoalMainly elma cause I don’t know Jack burmy about coding