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atlasrune, Ropro_12, Primal, Fedions, LeAms, nadan2460, Felix13, Silkeregn, E_wiking, JaneJewel, Adrivahi, harlex, BaskOfSoftKitty, Roderick, DravynLeCrux, WakoDoodle, kyledove ★, Monn, ILoveCrustle, capoznich, Iamghost, MrArrison, Paperboy012305, Lupokl, FoxMan_FF, MrsArrison, Jext ★, Jadzki, NACHO.26511, thehunter6020
ColosoalBut the only reason I choose it is because of super luck
ColosoalIt gets theif which is a god send for hunting mons holding items
ColosoalEgxikings high hp allows it to survive hits to check the mons
WakoDoodlewow lots of magmars appearing all of a sudden
Silkeregna battle connoisseur actually jumpscared me in the HUB bastion
ColosoalIt’s egxking
ColosoalI have a really odd choice for a theif mon but a really smart choice
WakoDoodleI should be ok
RezzyTheGameryou want to borrow my thief mon?
WakoDoodleoh found his wife
WakoDoodleno item
Primalwhat is that sprite anyways
WakoDoodleI got 147 greatballs here magmar, you're getting in 1
RezzyTheGamerI'm by jext
ColosoalYep still stuck in limbo
RezzyTheGamercome to kanto
Primalthere we go
ColosoalBut I’ll check again
ColosoalDidn’t work
ColosoalAlso I have tried rezzy
Klefkahold on
RezzyTheGameryou can evo the mon but you dont get shedinja
Primalwhy cant I see your sprite
Primallol klefka
ColosoalI habe tried
ColosoalEvo method is broken
RezzyTheGamerhave you tried restarting page?
XiterokIs Schedina implemented?
WakoDoodlegame callin you a liar
ColosoalIt says I’m not stuck :(
RezzyTheGameranyway lets see if kings rock evo works
WakoDoodletbh I'm gonna go get a magmar right now
RezzyTheGamerthief is the easier option
XiterokUsing Thief?
WakoDoodlea kings rock? :D
RezzyTheGamerWhat would I need to give you for you to get a magmarizer for me?
Ihazkirbroprimal why
WakoDoodlewhats up?
Ihazkirbroi caught likw 8
ColosoalBout what?
Ihazkirbroencrypted doesnt arry dubious disk afaik
WakoDoodlewelp, back to fishing
Ihazkirbroyou lied to me earlier
ColosoalSend help :D
ColosoalI’m still in the void :D
WakoDoodlewhere you want to trade?
WakoDoodleI was going to agree D:
WakoDoodlehe vanished
RezzyTheGamerI need 1 for evos ;)
RezzyTheGamerill trade you for the 2 mons
RezzyTheGameri got 3 kings rocks
WakoDoodleI got all mons except for the evolution items you're after XD
WakoDoodleand a slowpoke
RezzyTheGamerdo you want a red exclusive for it?
Ihazkirbroexactly my point
WakoDoodleI got a spare poliwag
darkeryetdarkertwitter is always pissed at everything so not a good connection
RezzyTheGamerthere's like 50 of us. we're gonna be chiller than twitter
WakoDoodlelets see so I have a spare...
Ihazkirbrounlike twitter
Ihazkirbronaww yall seem chill
RezzyTheGamerit should
WakoDoodleI heard no, but I wouldn't be surprised if it does
Silkeregnyou bringing it up is a good way to make sure people argue about it
XiterokDoes king rock work?
Ihazkirbroso people would argue oer gender
WakoDoodlelet ne check if I got a spare
TwiekahI like the fat bum of Aromatick :D
Ihazkirbroi wish humans were like tht honetly
RezzyTheGamerlads who got a slowbro and poliwhirl for trade?
DrakenSilverThere's a few animals like that but it's mostly plants and fungi
WakoDoodleyeah, whoever takes the lead gets to be the guy :D
Ihazkirbroso both, but not at once
Ihazkirbrothey are both genders but still need a mate
WakoDoodleoh. I assumed snails and slugs were similar, I guess only slugs are both genders
XiterokAs Ice Gym leader, i won't use Explosion Baloonga
Ihazkirbrothey dot "swap"
Droncarfishes as well yeah
RezzyTheGamerI heard some fish swap genders