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Jext ★, DravynLeCrux, DrakenSilver, Bittamin, atlasrune, Ropro_12, trombonewizzerd, Hilltop_Zephyr, Harlequin4sloth, Eurielo, envychimera, pikapop-soda, MonsieurElma, Jadzki, Prometheus09, Sov, FxLoco, LeAms, PrimeHorineth, brandonstfu, Mushroomhead, Felix13, Bern, joryboii, Blcklux, Count_Fapula, Adrivahi, Xiterok, RandomKid, nadan2460
ColosoalI miss brick bronze :(
WakoDoodleimagine if thise horde of jangmo-o has no item XD
BladeVap~~eat the cool rock~~
SilkeregnCongrats Kitty
ColosoalWait does that mean bask gets dwain
MonsieurElmawas bask part of the race
darkeryetdarkerand ig kitty gets the rock
ColosoalIf you get dwain he is all yours
BladeVapI will ~flush him down the dwain~
BaskOfSoftKittyShiny Boongus
darkeryetdarkerhe is also very lonely
WakoDoodlejohnson yes
BladeVapIf i get dwain
Primaldwain the rock?
WakoDoodlehis name is dwain
MonsieurElmaill do it for a rock
ColosoalThis cool rock
PrimalWinner gets uh
BladeVapah alright
MonsieurElmaok let'srace
Primalthats what I ment blade, my bad
MonsieurElmai am shunting right now
ColosoalI’m not even joking that’s what happened
Primalbut that was a very different case
BladeVapmaybe a shunting race would be better
ColosoalLast time we did that it ended up in court primall
Primalshall we do another shunting competition
SilkeregnIs goomy 1%?
MonsieurElmadepends on their play time
ColosoalI think nix is the luckiest with 86 shinies
darkeryetdarkeraren't we all
MonsieurElmaand also crazy
MonsieurElmai am lucky
ColosoalI have 2 shinys so I’m at least higher than all the 1 shiny owners 🥲
SilkeregnElma is quite lucky
BladeVapI could be nixcel levels of lucky
BladeVapThat is true
Primalcould always be luckier
BladeVapi am 58th on the shiny leaderboards, so not too bad
BladeVapI do consider myself very lucky Primal
MonsieurElmaferalamb is the only shiny i miss from this patch of grass
WakoDoodleI hope I have enough pokeballs XD
ColosoalSp dev is the lake, requires surf
BladeVapright now, shiny Feralamb, Elma
PrimalHave you tried getting lucky blade?
Silkeregnwhere's sp def in effort island
MonsieurElmawhat shiny are you hoping to find in those grass
BladeVapand dw, elma, i know
BladeVapsorry, listening to a small stream
BladeVapShiny Balanoral is perfection...but you can always improve on collection
PrimalI see the issue blade
MonsieurElmai dont think youll find it in those grass
XiterokMe too until today
BladeVapBalanoral for Harsholme
BladeVapwell...yeah actually
ColosoalKeep refreshing hoping it can send me out
DroncarMe neither, i wish i could see one as well
MonsieurElmaany particular one you want
BladeVapbut not a single golden
BladeVapmany shinies
MajiNVegetaDidnt Saw it
Primalaight let me bless you with gold rng
BladeVapI have never encountered one
MonsieurElmaBlade, what are you looking for
Primalgolden what blade?
SilkeregnHe's been told to do that several times before Vegeta
ColosoalOkie dokie let’s try it
XiterokUsually this kicked me in Region Zero
MajiNVegetaGo to a tile and use/unstuck
BladeVapI still want to find my first golden
DroncarTraining my poison team for type master poison fight
MonsieurElmahoping to get golden bun
Primaljust colo doing colo things
MonsieurElmaim still kicking
XiterokRapidly recharge the page the moment It charge
DroncarIm good, you?
MonsieurElmabeside Colosoal being stuck for an century
WakoDoodlewe lost colo