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MonsieurElmajungle ruin
ColosoalWhat else do we have at are disposal…
MonsieurElmathose are the obvious ones
MonsieurElmabut it could have a desert one, savanah, jungle, oasis
XiterokCaution to copyright
ColosoalAside from wild mons
WakoDoodlewill the krookadille hunter Eve Sterwin be there?
ColosoalTrue but how would we differentiate them from messing together
XiterokTarzan as Elite4 member confirmed?
ColosoalAlso grassland technically means savannah so
MonsieurElmatbh i believe that a safari zone shouldnt have "elemental biomes" it wouldnt feel natural
ColosoalTo keep the African vibe
ColosoalI say replace coastal with desert and tundra with a ruin/pyramid area
MonsieurElmano a jeep, jeep
Droncarok, refreshed and had the money bumped up to 5500
WakoDoodlea jeep mon?
MonsieurElmaand we give the player a jeep to manoever around
AminyCould also have a desert or a marshland as well
AminyAt least 5 colosoal, a coastal area, a mountainous one, a jungle area, a grassland, and possibly above the mountain area a snowy tundra like one
WakoDoodlecalled Tyrantum Parkl
MonsieurElmabut mechanically
MonsieurElmanot visually colo
ColosoalWith the train in teh middle
WakoDoodleand one only with dinosaurs
ColosoalSo a upside down U
MonsieurElmawith a jeep and different areas
MonsieurElmaand we give it a real safari vibe, like an african safari
MonsieurElmaId say we have like 5 zones and they would work like the marsh from DPP, like you take a safari car to get from one biome to the next
darkeryetdarkerso payday nugget fling coin cascade gold breaker
Droncarim using four of those but my money is stick at 3874
XiterokCoin Cascade works
Silkeregnyey goomy
ColosoalHow many areas should we have and should they be all connected
darkeryetdarkerall money move that drenchest learns work
MonsieurElmaA safari but the pokemons hunt you
ColosoalAnyway time to start throwing ideas till something sticks
Droncarare money moves functionnal? it feels im not getting any right now
MonsieurElmaso i have a bit of knowledge
MonsieurElmai use RPG maker
ColosoalI don’t know how they do ot
ColosoalExpect the devs
ColosoalEssentially we’re just doing it cause we are all bad at coding
WakoDoodleit doesn't but its there
Silkeregnthis does not feel like 10%
Droncaryes silk
ColosoalCause I don’t got Jack #### for coding so
MonsieurElmaa text, a video, a game
Silkeregnare you sure goomy is in the water?
Droncarim looking for globtrop
MonsieurElmabut in what format
darkeryetdarker... why the ACTUAL rayquaza DOES SANDSLASH HAVE LEECH LIFE
ColosoalFor the fun of it
ColosoalWith expired glue
MonsieurElmabut for a game or something else
WakoDoodle10/100 then
ColosoalAnd then glueing all those ideas together
MonsieurElmayup, golden bunn
WakoDoodlewow not a single jangmo-o had the item
ColosoalEssentially throwing around ideas till we get something
Droncarwhat you looking for, the bunny?
MonsieurElmai still dont get it
Droncari know, we can share i believe
ColosoalTo make a safari zome
ColosoalLike ideas held up by strings mashed together
MonsieurElmaDroncar i was here first
XiterokAlso in Harsholme Inn After giving the Fire rock Pokemon to the elder by the fireplace gives x3
MonsieurElmawhat do you mean colo
Droncarso many people shunting in harsholme omg
BladeVapMagma Armor works too if you have that, i think?
ColosoalYo guys wanna make a very cool and very fake safari zone
XiterokSome Fire type ability
Deep_sea_lilythank you !
MonsieurElmaor steam engine and fiery spirit
MonsieurElmause a pokemon with flame body ability
ColosoalAbilites like steam engine, and fiery spirit
WakoDoodlewith a magmar in the 1st party space
WakoDoodlerun up and down
Deep_sea_lilyhow do i hatch eggs faster
MonsieurElmai have boongus
ColosoalBask doesn’t get dwain
ColosoalI’ll say its no
ColosoalThey don’t know so
BladeVapI have my Shiny Boongus evolved
BaskOfSoftKittyI don't know
BladeVapI cannot be part of that squad
MajiNVegetaWhat race
MonsieurElmai wish i had my shiny boongus on me so we could have a shiny boongus squad
ColosoalWere you part of the race
ColosoalWish it got turned into a fan game using actual Pokémon stuff instead of being exclusive to Roblox
Primalwait did bask win the race already