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Jext ★, DravynLeCrux, DrakenSilver, Bittamin, atlasrune, Ropro_12, trombonewizzerd, Eurielo, envychimera, pikapop-soda, MonsieurElma, LeAms, brandonstfu, Mushroomhead, Hennnnni, Adrivahi, Bern, Sov, skur ★, Vess, Nozkareno, Monn, Pisani, MajiNVegeta, Lupokl, nadan2460, thehunter6020, Hilltop_Zephyr, Harlequin4sloth, YTSamurai, Jadzki, Scaedugengan, Bloop, Zaheir, Ami16, Fi_Zz, Count_Fapula, AloofSpirit
ColosoalYou get 8 bp per every round, breaks between the battles, and a free mon depending on the cup
Silkeregnyou get more, quicker in factory
ColosoalI think battle bastion is better for grinding bp
MaryAmarysmy butt back in the battle factory , need more exp candy
ColosoalYou confuse me
Silkeregnyou forgot again
Silkeregndon't you have that, Colosoal
ColosoalNgl I wouldn’t be surprised if he had memory loss
demonycor a hole in his brain
Silkeregnpeople with amnesia wont be offended when they forget they have amnesia
ColosoalWell tbf it’s either memory loss or amnesia so
MaryAmarysgoooood afternoon
darkeryetdarkeri feel like saying he has amnesia is offending the ppl that actually have it [bc blue is way beyond amnesia]
ColosoalBlue has amnesia change my mind
WakoDoodle10/100 magmars
demonycah yes blue challenging me in the pokemon tower after ive defeated everyone on this region and caught all shiniy legendaries
ColosoalEssentially a plusle minium situation
demonycnow cubone :sob:
ColosoalGrimer is rarer in red but commoner in blue
Droncarjust had to ask
demonycone just spawned
demonycits one of those exclusives in pe only
ColosoalLet me check
ColosoalYes I belive so
WakoDoodleyou want me to give you one?
demonyci only see koffings
ColosoalOh I see
demonycis ot version exclusive?
MonsieurElmano kanto
WakoDoodleI've seen many demon
demonycin the pokemon mansion
ColosoalWhich one demon
WakoDoodlesome even say their voice can sometimes be seen in the chat late into the night
demonycwhy doesnt grimmer spawn?
WakoDoodlethey say the ghost of colo still haunts that place to this day
ColosoalMan I hate being stuck in limbo outside of fuchisas gyms boundries
Silkeregnah, thanks
ColosoalGo to your profile then go to favorites
Silkeregnhow do I show a favorite mon on my page
ColosoalAnyone know where jext is rn
Shengian_SpidopsSo you can overlevel and beat him!!
ColosoalAlmost like it was intentional they wanted you to loose to count
MonsieurElmacurrently tasting the new burger king Bakujgo burger
ColosoalThink about it: your mons are probably in the 40s, theirs a exp shop when you loose, and his mons are level 60
darkeryetdarkeryea i think the curve was made for the event when it started
Shengian_SpidopsTime to overlevel :3
ColosoalI think borovias level curve for count is intentional
darkeryetdarkeryou gonna die to count first
ColosoalAfter beating/losing to count..
ColosoalIn the shop
Shengian_SpidopsWheres the exp shop??
ColosoalCount and exp shop
Shengian_SpidopsSo yesn’t?
ColosoalYes and no
Shengian_SpidopsIs there a exp farm un borovia?? I forgor
WakoDoodlethis mon holds one too
JadzkiOh alright thanks
ColosoalCatch axew till it’s holding one jad
Silkeregnthen I am missing one more
JadzkiIn the Valley how do i get the Razor Fang?
ColosoalBoth sinistea are Night
WakoDoodleyup and there's 2 versions
Silkeregnis that a night time one?
WakoDoodlesilk did you get both versions of sinistea?
ColosoalI will know what your missing
ColosoalList of the mons you have
ColosoalI know
Silkeregncan someone send me a ss of the full roster
Silkeregnim missing 3 mons from the effort island
ColosoalYour saved until atlas comes out
WakoDoodleKing Krool : so monkey people, what about me. the great king?!
Droncartrue that
ColosoalBetter than zuzu the nordroro azumarill
DroncarDroncar the Aukward
Silkeregnbecause awkward
Silkeregnname it SPrad
DroncarWhich pokemon is it?
SPradok :)
WakoDoodledifferent ppl hop on each day
DroncarOk ok... name your thing after me
ColosoalFunky Kong has to be a mon that’s a invetor, and can surf
WakoDoodletbh I suggest trying another day