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DaltonisYup huge pain
IdkSterlingGyattTHEY BOTH DIED
TheNewKingBretsomething that a pain right daltonis?
IdkSterlingGyattaint no way my brionne and dratini miss on a row
samwichconlimonwhat you hunting bret?
TheNewKingBretim pass 1000 mark now o.O
IdkSterlingGyattyo nunca pedi por miedo de ban
samwichconlimonmy half understanding of spanish makes this very confusing to read
IdkSterlingGyattpueden conseguirlo tu solo por viajar a regiones
IdkSterlingGyattshyn aunque empezaste a jugar no debes pedir pokemon
TheNewKingBretlisten to*
TheNewKingBretyay listen sandshrew!! =D
shyn123321no inporta igual apenas enpese a jugar ase 10 minutos
DobleSyo no tengo pokemon buenos
shyn123321quien quiere tradiar con migo
wheresandshrewRegion sometime no Global PC! Be careful!
ZeroStarKaiyou might wanna look at the wiki to know the specifics on that one
samwichconlimonunlock global pc in the region. usually, this means beating the region
ZeroStarKaiYou need the global PC for that, which is unlocked in each region either by beating them or by reaching a certain milestone
DaltonisUsually after beating the region you can transfer them over via Global Box
wheresandshrewAm have must Global PC unlock.
jd_123_45ok guys sorry for disturbing again, but how do I get the pokemon I have in my invidual regions into the hub
PG55but only 415 catchable in the wild
samwichconlimonkinda. all in the safari zone at least
IdkSterlingGyattIm back but now in pc
PG55i think all of them
jd_123_45guys so how many pokemon does the hub have
PG55here can i get Indedee?
samwichconlimonif you really can't find them, try reloading. something might be broken.
PG55or the market
PG55go to safari
DracoMelvoihmm then i assume im a little blind or stupid hehe
samwichconlimonit is not hidden draco
jd_123_45for helping
jd_123_45bro y'all GOATs
PG55only 110 more happiness to make him evolve
FoxMan_FFGod, why are the boss enemies in these worlds like 20 levels higher than your party
DracoMelvoiHey guys i cant find the 4th Assistant in the HUB. Am I stupid or is he/she well hidden? :D found the twins, the one in front of battle tower and another one... cant remember
PG55my Mightiro finally likes me more than he hates me
samwichconlimonit should warn him before it does reset
samwichconlimonthat is true
PG55but youll lose all your mons and progress
samwichconlimonhe just started. region reset is fine
ZeroStarKaiuse /unstuck
ZeroStarKaidon't nuke your save
samwichconlimonit has a region reset option
samwichconlimondo to
jd_123_45and it don't work
jd_123_45I refreshed
jd_123_45how DO I reset
PG55entering a building worked to me
samwichconlimonyou likely still are a building, it just detached you
samwichconlimonthat should help too
PG55or enter a building
samwichconlimonthen try to stay in bounds and reload the page
jd_123_45I am flying through the tiles
jd_123_45I think I broke it
samwichconlimonthat or switch in arena trap or use taunt (assuming it worked)
jd_123_45guys is retro Kanto broken?
samwichconlimonyes? why would I not?
PG55imagine that you find a shiny, perfect IVs Arceus in the wild, but it has teleport and will use it in the first turn. Will you use your single Master Ball?
samwichconlimonjust throw balls?
PG55how should i catch it?
PG55Skowl is weak to every single one of Bruhkenstein's moves
TheNewKingBretsorry typing when hunting grammer going be bad from me
samwichconlimonquite the serious case of xz syndrome there
PG55zxzzzzxxzzxzxx indeed
TheNewKingBretthe infront of it
progamermattoh ok thans
TheNewKingBretjump on the trunks
progamermattthere are tree trunks infront of it
TheNewKingBrettalk to the statue of mew
DaltonisBut it's not worht it yeah
DaltonisYou can buy a temporary Shint Charm on the Pokengine website
samwichconlimonshiny charm is a thing, it just is not worth it
progamermatti did of by the statue but there are tree trunks infront of it
PG55about MissingNo. flavors
samwichconlimonwe love spreading misinformation on the internet
PG55a joke