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samwichconlimonI don't think berries wortk rn. and it is pikipek
peacewingam in cloudia
peacewingwhat is the bird that loves to peck?
JesstroyerHey do berries even work in any regions? cuz Easter island Pokemon don't use em
wheresandshrewBye IdkSterlingGyatt!
IdkSterlingGyattimma go do my chores
IdkSterlingGyattIm gonna leave like that
samwichconlimon# refering to the place in your party
ZeroStarKaiyou could also just use /nickname # (Name here)
samwichconlimonhold on the pokemon you want to nickname. click nickname, then switch to chat. there should be a prompt
Apple_ggHow do you nickname on mobile
IdkSterlingGyattjust searched it. They have the same catch rate
DHenny41thank you bog, i talked to he rbefore the badge lol
IdkSterlingGyattits costing me so much to catch it
ZeroStarKaisure didn't feel like it
IdkSterlingGyattyeah just like larvitar's
ZeroStarKaimawile's catch rate is low?
samwichconlimonit should have failed on ground types regardless as a type immunity
IdkSterlingGyattanother walking disaster with low catch rate
BogerbogTalk to the women in the first house in Palmetto Town off of route R11, they should give you a bike voucher if you have the second badge.
DHenny41@bogerbog how you ge tbike?
wheresandshrewThat good. Lopunny no Thunder Wave Sandshrew now.
IdkSterlingGyattthat just says
✏RoughKnightSadly it doesnt yet consider the move "failed"
✏RoughKnightThunder Wave recently updated to not work on ground types
IdkSterlingGyattalways the 3 ticks
IdkSterlingGyattIt doesnt affect the larvitar
IdkSterlingGyattit does NOT work
IdkSterlingGyattthe dratini has thunder wave
DaltonisJoltik is nice for that
DaltonisI recommend getting an electric type for paralysis spread to help catching
IdkSterlingGyattit wont catch, its getting on my nerves
IdkSterlingGyatteven if it takes months, years or even decades
DaltonisSkitty was hunting a damn Fletchling for like 2 hours since it was the last mon they were missing
samwichconlimon100 caught, evos and trades don't count
IdkSterlingGyattwell im ready for it
IdkSterlingGyattis it 100 entries?
DaltonisThe last 10 are always such a bother
DaltonisOoof good luck
IdkSterlingGyattI have 48 entries, almost half way there
IdkSterlingGyattIm capturing a larvitar rn
DaltonisYou might not see it for the next 500 encounters
samwichconlimonI need a gobbeel pc
TheNewKingBretit need a  gobal pc so bad tho
DaltonisYou need to catch them all so yeah, better get it while it's in front of you
IdkSterlingGyattoh ok daltonis
demonycbeacause thats how the game works, you will have to unli«ock global pc to change pokeomn through regions
IdkSterlingGyattporque no podras tener todos los pokemones en uno solo
DaltonisI mean on Cennetial Valley all encounters have the same rarity
samwichconlimonall things in centenial are rare. they all have 1% chances
shyn123321porque cuando cambio de region cambian mis pokemon
IdkSterlingGyatton cennetial valley
Bubby7474Is there anyway to know where to jump on Route 0 or just h?ope
IdkSterlingGyattis it rare?
IdkSterlingGyattwild kangashkhan
samwichconlimonI had barely reached wilderoot, it was before trash cult
DaltonisHOWW 😭
samwichconlimonto be fair, I have lost my entire harsholme inventory at one point. had to region reset
DaltonisErmm actually I lost 101
demonycto late bruh
demonyci lost 100 trash when last time o got disconnected
samwichconlimonI call bull
DaltonisErm I lost 100 trash after disconnecting actually...
demonycthats fair
samwichconlimonI will only give out trash if you lose some in a reload/disconnect. I lost 2 that way
demonycyour trash at midnight
demonycgimme gimme gimme
samwichconlimonI hunted after 150 trash. why i have 250 trash now
Icymossabot to hit 700 starters
demonyci just want ot to come before i get to 150 trashes
samwichconlimondemon, my burreel shiny came at 2699. you got this
demonycthey were not made to be shiny hunted
samwichconlimonI know darkeryetdarker is over 4k for lonavan druidune
DaltonisI honestly feel worse for Sam cuz that little mudkip they're hunting has such a low appearance%
demonycim at 1500 burreels
samwichconlimonat 72 leilyne rn
IdkSterlingGyattwhat is this??!!??!
IdkSterlingGyattfirst brionne dies cuz of a miss then again dratini of a miss
Daltonis2500 resets