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IcymossI got Paow, I just need my surf mon on summer island now it  broke
✏RoughKnightAnyone still having issues with gift or starter mon stuff, or who haven't been helped yet?
CybreHow do you move?
Pokebiowe'r all beta testing rn
Pokebioyou hae to join the discord to get acess
Pokebioit is currentl in private mod
archen11is the game in private mode ever though?
Hollowarcgot that guaranteed shiny sigilyph, feels good
PokebioI think it's the peequer role
✏RoughKnight"Get access to the game while it is in private mode!" kind of indicates something like that
✏RoughKnightMy guess is that it was used as a "closed beta invite" type of system
Pokebioyay I wanan knwo too
TerabyteWhat does private access in the shop do?
Pokebiothe code:it's the end
Pokebiopokengine :adds one tiny fish
TerabyteHow far does retro hoenn go so far?
Terabyteits all good i was going to region reset anyways
✏RoughKnightPlease reset the region, starter giving should work now hopefully
Terabyteall the pokemon distribution events are broken so I was testing around
Terabyteyeah lol
✏RoughKnightmmm are you right at the start of the region?
Terabytealso battles or wild pokemon dont work
Terabyteand now I'm talking to an invisible professor piper
Terabytewhen I had zero pokemon
Terabytewell i accidentally started a chat with professor piper
MultiI just accidentaly found a none surfable tile in HUB
✏RoughKnightLike what?
Terabyteeverything broke in Rica lol
Pokebioit works kno thank you rough knight$
IcymossI ran though all of rica cos i had to starter a week ago lol
Araima"Just a little bug testing, Stan."
TerabyteWow nothing happens
Terabytejust to do some bug testing
TerabyteI'm going to go into the grass with 0 pokemon
Icymosssome users (me) cant
Araimagot the fossils, and lapras just fine
AraimaI was able to get mons in retro kanto
Terabytebecause i cant even get a starter lol
Icymossgl araima
TerabyteYo I think all pokemon distribution events are glitched right now
★Azria ★my paow has evolved
insumesoh ok
Icymossthen youre done
TheNewKingBretYoooo RoughKnight thank you for fixing the glich for everyone
AraimaSenipork Armstrong is back to punching ice mons
insumesthe burrow
Icymossits to the right of the bunny running in the burrow
archen11you have to beat the grumpig cave to get global pc on easter
Pokebioit acts like I already reiced one
insumesok, so, how do i get the global pc on easter island
Pokebiookay will reload for the secodn time
✏RoughKnightIf it acts like you've already recieved one, please DM me ingame
✏RoughKnightAnyone who was experiencing glitches with Paow, please reload and try again
★Azria ★you have to wait. the glitch is being worked on
Pokebiocould you give me one please
PokebioI got a glitches whiel tryign to get paow so I didn't get it
Pokebiomord , right?*
Araima@Dud gotta use the database
hollywogI do have it, sry
hollywogwait nvm
Pokebioazria you're a mod?
hollywogHow do you get global PC in retro kanto? I beat the champion but didnt unlock it yet
dudals1029is there an in game way to check move description? i can't seem to find a way to read move description
SamKuklai got softlocked at the end.
Araimathis is my theme while i'm hunting frodent eggs again
Araimaso uh
TerabyteDo my pokemon in HUB travel to any other regions?
TheNewKingBretthey are online already pokebio
TheNewKingBretwait for dev to give you one then
Pokebiowill loo in my global but if it's not there then will have to ask staff
TheNewKingBretits glitch right now
✏mattgcn>both not triage
✏mattgcn>two agapre
SamKuklain fact that's the thing that usually ends up wiping most of my mons
SamKuklahis biggest threat to my team is gorsylum
Pokebionope I do'nt get paow
Araimaso you got this :D
Araimathe count isn't too bad once you defeat is ace, which he opens with
Terabytethats borovia right?
TerabyteYo Samkukla I saw ur discord post
Pokebiocrysta caries
Pokebiogonna try to retalk
SamKuklacrystabrawl was a good investment
Pokebionope no paow in my inventory
SamKuklawinning rn...i'm at the count's 5th mon