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darkeryetdarkerit doesn't evo yet
darkeryetdarkerthats the neat part
Droncarit doesnt
ItsCarrotand wut lvl does mobipup evo/
darkeryetdarker+ fossils and like eevee
darkeryetdarkerall from 1 to 4
WakoDoodlethe bastion bp i just use for the daily shop reset
ItsCarrotand i can get starters in bastion?
WakoDoodleposted the bike idea in suggestions
JadeAmuletend of the story
darkeryetdarkerthey scale with you i think
ItsCarrotthey pretty low level ngl
DroncarEnough BP to get the training objects after farming for starters
lemonitenitehow do I get the deep fishing rod in harshlome
darkeryetdarkerjust beat up the trainers in the main hub area
SilkeregnDo the harshlome exclusive moves work in any region?
DroncarI mean it's fine
JadeAmulettheres also a chnsey trainer on easter island which is probably quicker to get to
ItsCarrotso i cant exp grind in hub?
DroncarIf you are done with cloudia there is a scaled trainer there as well
WakoDoodleit really is, just 1bp
darkeryetdarkerwell i didn't know BC THAT IS MOST USELESS BP GAIN I EVER SEEN
JadeAmuletbest place to farm exp is the chalker cave in harsholme
Droncar1 BP per win
ItsCarrotfactory doesnt work for me
DroncarIt gives BP too
darkeryetdarkerfactory and tower are for bp
darkeryetdarkerwako bastion only gives the reward mons...
ItsCarrotwhere do i farm exp in hub then?
lemoniteniteno I think the npc outside said u don't
WakoDoodlesadly no carrot, you get bp instead
JadeAmuletput in the server suggestion box
ItsCarrotdo i not get exp in bastion?
lemoniteniteI'd like to use a yellow one
lemoniteniteooo yeah bike collections
lemoniteniteI saw some exp candies atleast but haven't run into rare candies yet
WakoDoodleactually a bike outfit collection would fix the hoenn bug where if you wear that outfit, every other outfit regardless of region will use the hoenn bike one
darkeryetdarkeri think their are some from side quests
WakoDoodleman I wish the bike had its own outfit option. I want to use rollerskates :D
JadeAmuletsomebody asked about it yesterday and he got it implemeted in hours
Silkeregnare there any rare candies on harshlome?
lemoniteniteheya Dron
JadeAmuletman tapir is the goat
lemonitenitedon't use em myself but its cool to see
lemoniteniteooo finally some wheelchair options
SirJah ty :)
darkeryetdarkeri think they evolve in deep ento
ItsCarrotello wako
MajiNVegetaHey lemon
SirJDoes anyone know where i can evolve Femurk?
lemoniteniteand moss too
lemoniteniteyoo hi Majin
MajiNVegetaYou're good?
MajiNVegetaAh sorry
ItsCarrotnothing i saw u ;-; so i said hey
MajiNVegetaWhat u want carrot
Droncarlooks good
darkeryetdarkerthe power of PRIDE is here
ItsCarrotyo majin
DroncarNp Lucifer, good luck for the rest of kanto
darkeryetdarkerwell ig thats goes to breaking sinnoh list
darkeryetdarkeroh wtf happened
LuciferScarecrowthank all of u guys
darkeryetdarkeryou should thank the other two
JadeAmuletI think If they didnt have similar dex entries you would feel differently. Like the gem appraiser thing doesnt really come across in the first evo the way it does in the second
LuciferScarecrowthank dark, i found the way to get HMs!
darkeryetdarkeri also like him but i feel like it would need a evo bc the concept doesn't really evolve in the final form
JadeAmuletalso looks like barrel eye and like it has those gem inspecting slasses. really like this guy
darkeryetdarkerok then its mudskipper plus gems
MajiNVegetaA fish who needs to live in water to one that live in mud
darkeryetdarkerig walking fish?
darkeryetdarkera fish that turns in to ehhhhh :mon_00hbvj1r:
DroncarLike a fish in a fish?
Icymossi think its a fish
darkeryetdarkeri never get what this thing is based on
darkeryetdarkeractually about harsholme mons :mon_008ecylf:
Silkeregnseems so
ItsCarrotlol is exverminate a doctor who reference?