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Jext ★, AlphaTwin032, Jayalone, afkei, Mellithae, rawdogga, stani420, Cannor, Hilltop_Zephyr, Ryo1shinogi0yari, YamiLevar, zeeble, bloxavise, SanguineSol, Deep_sea_lily, Lady_Vengeance, Ihazkirbro, GingaDaKidd, Eidothea, LenaLeo, shyft, Bluetacoes, ce132389, FlameRunner32, Fengerr, Nixcelpix ★, LNeolT, Estiklapisse, acwano, LightDiablo, Astroscopus, Akram09, atlasrune, JamJam, RydenTan, ItsCarrot
Silkeregnbecause he never got it
Silkeregnthe thing you are doing is not going to work
SilkeregnIf the guy never got the HM
darkeryetdarkerim on about that i will do that bs just to waste my time from the bs im doing
Droncari dont get it
Silkeregnbro what are you on about
darkeryetdarkersilk its better then reset for shiny cakewig for the ehh 700+ already?
DroncarDont worry it's gen1, walkthrough is a bit whacky
Silkeregnif he never got the cut hm
DroncarGet through the house north of the city haha
Silkeregndark you're wasting your time
LuciferScarecrowoh boi :(((
darkeryetdarkerbc i will just give you a cut mon
DroncarMisty definitly didnt give you the cut hm hahahah
darkeryetdarkerok sooooo get a mon to trade with
DroncarYou get the Cut HM by completing the ss anne
DroncarThe guy that gave you the cut HM
DroncarDid the boat leave when you got out of it?
darkeryetdarkerlucifer where are you?
DroncarDid you try talking tothe captain again? taht happened to me
SM3W1someone know where all the helpers are ? in the hub
DroncarRetro kanto?
darkeryetdarkerok get a random mon to trade with
LuciferScarecrowi need cut HM
LuciferScarecrowpls tell me
darkeryetdarkeri have a faster fix
Silkeregnask a mod for help in the discord if you cant find it
darkeryetdarkerhm wait a bit
LuciferScarecrowi look in my bag but stil didnt see it
Silkeregnwhich section
Silkeregnwhat region
Silkeregnwhich HM
LuciferScarecrowwhere is the HM :(((?
ItsCarrotso where these rodents supposed to be?
darkeryetdarkernow it only 3
darkeryetdarkerbc first time it launched it was 6 31 ivs
darkeryetdarkerits bc tapir changed it
DroncarDamn nice
darkeryetdarkerheh i have a 6 31 ivs one
ItsCarrotcuz i got an adamant 31/31/31 amutt
darkeryetdarkerwith the only thing is the color still sticks
ItsCarrotdoes the egg amutt have fixed ivs?
darkeryetdarkerand all the colors led to the same evo
darkeryetdarkerthe dog just has different colors
ItsCarrotlike eevee?
ItsCarrotdo amutt have different evolutions?
darkeryetdarkeri didn't first time i played rica
Droncartrue, i always check the evolutions before picking starter
darkeryetdarkerits just a design
darkeryetdarkerand the grass one ehhhhhhhhh :mon_00eayhig:
darkeryetdarkerit looks like a bold bird
DroncarThis one i didnt like one bit
darkeryetdarkerits isn't as bad as the bold ass guy :mon_004uym8j:
RydenTanEh whatever I have my lvl25
SilkeregnRydenTan just ask a mod for help
DroncarYeah i agree
darkeryetdarkertbh i feel like water one has the best final evo :mon_00kgisdu:
DroncarIm confused
RydenTanWelp there goes my pokeballs
RydenTanRuns away
RydenTan"here's some pokeballs and potions for you"
Silkeregnjust ask in the discord for help from a mod
DroncarI like the water one myself
RydenTanI might've broken the game...
darkeryetdarkeralso it really doesn't matter bc rica is simple
darkeryetdarkerall of them are decent tbh
RydenTanWhat's the best starter for rica?
darkeryetdarkerits just rng being rng
Silkeregnit felt way more frequent before
DroncarFishing it is
darkeryetdarkerstill gonna fish
darkeryetdarkersome mons drop trash but it fishing encounters sooo
SwaritRajyou gotta fish
DroncarFishing lmao
Silkeregndo I need to fish for trash in harshlome or is it a drop
darkeryetdarkerwhat hm did you get?
darkeryetdarkeror actually