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darkeryetdarkeralso here is the trade mon :mon_00vozks8:
Silkeregnso ill need 2
darkeryetdarkerno but it strong
Silkeregndoes it evolve
lemonitenitewhat does the old lady trade that for anyway
Silkeregnno page for it
darkeryetdarkerand here is leilyne
lemoniteniteI kept beating those up instead of capturing them
MajiNVegetaHé deserve that ginger cause when u beat him he's liké u achieved thé impossible
SilkeregnI got one in a cave
WakoDoodledoes this mean I now get money for the battles? :D
JadeAmuletmagic circuit board mon
WakoDoodleI accidently took drenchest to the bastion XD
Silkeregnwhos leilyne again
lemonitenitecube what
darkeryetdarkeralso the old guy needs the cube
JadeAmulet2% encouter rate though
darkeryetdarkeryes leilyne is like 2% tho
MajiNVegetaLol nothing
lemoniteniteno harshlome
lemoniteniteand leilyne spawns in the chapel right
darkeryetdarkeri can't wait to see lund in lonova and give him a mad middle finger lmao
lemonitenitealso what Mon do u need for that guy by the fireplace
MajiNVegetaMan i am rude didnt Ask about his wife
darkeryetdarkeri had to explode ballonga like 8 times during my no evos fight with him
lemoniteniteI just defeated his daughter
lemonitenitethat's twice the level my mons got rn
darkeryetdarkerlund is a manace tbh
darkeryetdarkerehhhhh around 80s
WakoDoodlejust 1 more eevee to get :D
lemonitenitehow high r the level of lunds pokemon
WakoDoodleumbreon done
darkeryetdarkerreplace that for golden :3
lemonitenitewith my luck I'm gonna find the shiny in the safari
darkeryetdarkeri still love my vanitom to this day
lemonitenitepantrait ?
darkeryetdarkerheh funny enough that was my first shiny
Silkeregnit was the painting ghost pokemon
lemoniteniteman in my screen ur just fighting air lol
JadeAmuletJade in harsholme what else new
SilkeregnI found a shiny once.. but it was before I recieved pokeballs
darkeryetdarker*the grind never stops heh*
lemonitenitestill haven't gotten a shiny -3-
MajiNVegetaBack to Take lund money
Icymossand shiny hunting starters
lemoniteniteback to Edgar skin
Icymosstakingf a break
lemonitenitenow they gonw
MajiNVegetaIcy out of easter island thats rare
JadeAmuletwhats the deal with boxes. why do they scroll? can one box go forever?
MajiNVegetaDidnt sée thé N
Icymossmanga is dope as well
darkeryetdarkerso berserk is just better
darkeryetdarkerit also doesn't work
lemoniteniteooo how'd u get all 3
MajiNVegetaDoes cadastroph hidden ability worth those 100 Bp?
Icymossi have all 3 hehe
darkeryetdarkeri think their will be a thing for switching colors in hub update
lemoniteniteu can't change ur starter mobipup color ?
Primalyou uncultured swine
Primalits joseph
darkeryetdarkerwell their cute so their not evolving [and becoming less cute] is a good thing tbh
WakoDoodle*Johnathan JoJo music plays*
ItsCarrotill just use my kanto team then lol
WakoDoodleyou're next line is : Why?