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darkeryetdarkeri think fall festival has a shiny
LuciferScarecrow20 electrodes now
JadeAmuletfeels special yk
darkeryetdarkerwe are getting two
LuciferScarecrowmeanwhile, im hunting a modest electrode cuz i love electrode
JadeAmuletIt'd be cool to get at least one shiny from the fall event
lemonitenitecan't wait for fall event
darkeryetdarkeri need to hunt this
darkeryetdarkerbut also :mon_008eptuq:
darkeryetdarkerim gonna shiny hunt it
Icymossim getting the cousin when falls event starts lol
darkeryetdarkerand machamp wanna be :mon_00ssh7y0:
WakoDoodle:mon_0091tlgg: I am the one who broke the bat!
darkeryetdarkerwith it cousin's being :mon_00c4ju2b:
Icymossi messed up and didnt meet to...
lemoniteniteclowns n mushrooms
lemoniteniteI like that thing
Icymosshink hink
lemonitenitehonk honk
darkeryetdarkera clown mushroom
LuciferScarecrowi like clown and scarecrow hehe
LuciferScarecrowclown pokemon? i guess
WakoDoodlea Fletching boy wonder and a Mr. Joker :p
darkeryetdarkerhmmmm :mon_00bunoir:
WakoDoodleman imagine if we had a zubatman
lemoniteniteI gotta catch a minyan
WakoDoodleneigh, neigh I say :p
darkeryetdarkerget it right wako
darkeryetdarkerno its a dead horse
WakoDoodleand then it evolves into a worm inside a dead deer
darkeryetdarker... wako wtf is wrong with yo-
LuciferScarecrowthe worm look funny hehehe
WakoDoodledark I legit keep thinking its a severed foot
darkeryetdarkerwith a worm
lemoniteniteamong us death
darkeryetdarkerhere is the pre evo :mon_00jbpfbq:
WakoDoodle:mon_00ndju8b: lets go robin, we gotta stop the scarecrow!
darkeryetdarkerinfesteed ;3
lemonitenitethe hell is that
JadeAmuletwait yeah ashoricute learns surf I'll just use that
lemoniteniteoh arce
darkeryetdarkerit just stands
darkeryetdarkerwell this counts to the still part of a scarecrow :mon_002rtafs:
lemoniteniteI haven't seen any scarecrows yet luci
WakoDoodleyou know the one that said venomoth and butterfree evolution lines are swapped theory?
WakoDoodleguys we're getting into that theory territory
LuciferScarecrownot caturne-
lemoniteniteall the blue went to it's current days eyes
LuciferScarecrowis there any scarecrow pokemon?
lemonitenitetbf that's the ancient form
WakoDoodlebut it doesn't
darkeryetdarkerthat rat fought papyrus and pap's decide to say hippowdon you and make it blue forever
WakoDoodle:mon_00otkc1n: it looks like it should evolve from this
SM3W1how do I get p
lemonitenitewhy r u blue
WakoDoodlehuh, ya know it looks like that shrew you see earlier
Icymosscheesed to meet you
lemonitenitedoes it's current day snaukler not have it
darkeryetdarkerthis is the best false swipe mon in harsholme tbh :mon_00w9fo14:
JadeAmulet:mon_00ixr94q: not a fan of this guy but i gotta use him a bit for having false swipe and surf
Icymosstldr; kid would soak there webkinz plush with milk and suck it, and they would throw it at a wall lol
lemoniteniteI want to send that spamton milk gif where he's thrown around
darkeryetdarkeryou can... but first go get 5000 ppp for upload limit :3
WakoDoodlethats why if you leave a glass of milk out a long while it tastes a bit like cheese
Silkeregnwait til you heard about how blue cheese is made
lemonitenitecan I send gifs here
lemoniteniteuhhh milk goes sour and becomes cheese
WakoDoodlemilk curdled is cheese
Icymossits based of the milk webkinz story
WakoDoodlecheese, milk
darkeryetdarkerwait why the hell does drop cheese
Silkeregnwhats the best way to one shot these obliterats
lemonitenitethe soggerrrrrrr
WakoDoodleThe one that kinda looks like grandma!
WakoDoodleIt's that freaking cat again!
Icymossmilok webkins
WakoDoodleMa! Ma! come quick!
darkeryetdarkerrock poison cat
darkeryetdarkerand it evos in to ehhhhh :mon_00c8763l:
lemonitenite...yeah I'm not trading with that lady
lemoniteniteyeah when I fought leoht it beat my ass twice