Current users
Jext ★, AlphaTwin032, Jayalone, afkei, Mellithae, rawdogga, stani420, Cannor, Ryo1shinogi0yari, YamiLevar, SanguineSol, Deep_sea_lily, Lady_Vengeance, atlasrune, Akram09, darkeryetdarker, Kronnos, Ostis, Bern, ItsCarrot, JaneJewel, Hilltop_Zephyr, Lacerta, Sarcophugus, Distorsiona, AniDraco, HealerMommy, SwaritRaj, MelodyBDaruah, skur ★, Khazah, Doople, XenoReality, Louis.920, SakiChan, ilsu333, Dicosirio, Devster01, Douya, FlameRunner32, Cicada, Necarist, HelixJr, SM3W1, Basoda, Colosoal
lemoniteniteis jumping here like Minecraft crouching lol
darkeryetdarkeri love this :3
darkeryetdarkeromg :mon_00cs86d1:
ILoveCrustlehi primal
lemonitenitedid u get it yet mike
darkeryetdarkeri remember this guy
darkeryetdarkerhmmm :mon_008nrhco:
WakoDoodleeveryone dance to the naked mole rap!
ILoveCrustleok ima take a little break from shiny hunting
WakoDoodlefinally I can post this
darkeryetdarkeri regret seeing it.
Icymossmole rat
darkeryetdarkerwhat in the actually fuc- :mon_00opkiki:
lemoniteniteI'll be waiting at the fountain but go do that Pidgey first
ILoveCrustlewait can you enter the sewers before finishing the tutorial?
lemonitenitego down mike
MikeDevilOof brb need get a mon
darkeryetdarkerits the final thing before ending the tutorial
WakoDoodlea Pidgey?! The rarest mon of all
ILoveCrustleyou'll get a pidgey as part of the tutorial
WakoDoodleI keep thinking its Toterra town on a back of a giant turtle >.>
lemoniteniteu can give me that Pidgey u get as a starter thing
darkeryetdarkerlet them get the tutorial pidgey
lemonitenitewho r u gonna trade back tho
lemonitenitewait I'm picking who to give
MikeDevilSaw ya
darkeryetdarkerjust reach totora town
mapleaudinoi didnt wanna come here yet
mapleaudinowhen can i leave rica
MajiNVegetaGive him a zacian
lemonitenitewhere is ur character at rn
lemoniteniteoke see u
WakoDoodlegive him a dunsparce
MikeDevilSurprise me :)
lemonitenitedo u want a random Mon mike
ReinhildeJust hate it when the game freeze out of nowhere
ReinhildeMan, my 23 win streak
αJext ★wako... you'll get married dw :)
MikeDevilOh cause discord ddint had a trade server
WakoDoodleer... is that a yes?
MikeDevilIs there trading ?
αJext ★i slipped and fell into a manhole
lemonitenitehii next
MikeDevilEventuality this game be popular
WakoDoodleoh ghost of christmas future, will I get married?
ILoveCrustlehow did you die jext
ReinhildeHi a big ghost
darkeryetdarkeraround 5000
darkeryetdarkerif we count discord
αJext ★i'm a big ghost
MikeDevilNot as much
lemoniteniteyeah that's the usual count
ILoveCrustleyo holy rayquaza jext is massive
PunchedFruitabout 50 iirc
MikeDevilI love this game alot actually how many users online ?
WakoDoodlesorry about that, usually this happens after my performance; I guess the jokes are slipping through my fingers
lemoniteniteidk what that is
darkeryetdarkergood job wako
ILoveCrustleso now i'm a walking Eiffel 65 reference
WakoDoodleheh... okay.
ILoveCrustlei just remembered the fact that you can change your skin color
lemoniteniteit doesn't save if ur in batrle tho
darkeryetdarkeralso wako your jokes are just gonna be this
ReinhildeOh lol mb
MikeDevilLike saves automatically
darkeryetdarkerit saves every second
lemoniteniteI wasn't the guy who was broke lol
MikeDevilIs the game auto saved
lemonitenitealso reinhilde u responded to the wrong guy yesterday
WakoDoodleI can make better jokes I promise!
MikeDevilNow audio reset itself
WakoDoodleno don't delete me!
MikeDevilAhh thx so much
ReinhildeSwipe left
MikeDevilYeah mobile
ReinhildeAre you on mobile, Mike?
WakoDoodlehey janine, ready to lose?
lemoniteniteaw man my page refreshed
MikeDevilBtw how do i retunr to the game while chatting here
WakoDoodlekanto surprisingly is the most reasonable