Current users
Jext ★, AlphaTwin032, Jayalone, afkei, Mellithae, rawdogga, stani420, Cannor, Ryo1shinogi0yari, YamiLevar, SanguineSol, Deep_sea_lily, Lady_Vengeance, atlasrune, Doople, Akram09, scumgrifter, FlyingDutchGirl28, darkeryetdarker, Astronimal, Kronnos, Ostis, Bern, HealerMommy, Jpelirojo, cory239, ItsCarrot, JaneJewel, franzanth, Hilltop_Zephyr, Lacerta, Sarcophugus, MajiNVegeta, vigg1448, Dicosirio, HelixJr, Ihazkirbro, Distorsiona, RydenTan, Colosoal, Raynard
lemoniteniteyummers thanks
ColosoalIdk how soon tho
ColosoalJext plans to finish it soon
PG55Typhlo do you have hot chocolate?
ILoveCrustlePG55 the Science Guy
ColosoalUp until 5th gyms entrance
lemonitenitecan u eat chikorita and what does it taste like
PunchedFruithow far can you get in retro hoenn
PG55lets talk about science
lemonitenitecan I have some coffee too
ILoveCrustlebut it's the wrong one
darkeryetdarkerlets talk about chikorita :3
ILoveCrustlealright, i finally got a stone from my lillipup horde
PG55me too
ColosoalWhat do y’all wanna talk about now I’m bored
JadeAmuletobtained stats are wweird
ColosoalWell uh
lemonitenitewhere is that from
darkeryetdarkerheh that means im like most likely the only one with the shiny version
darkeryetdarkeractually how many helluster's are obtaine- only 29
ColosoalA rainbow
JadeAmuletlike, hes fully ev trained but he has trouble taking out battle bastion guys with stab moves
lemonitenitewhat does shiny chaulker look like
lemoniteniteI keep slaying them
JadeAmuletI got a shiny chalker buts hes really bad
lemoniteniteyeah I'm already down here
ColosoalTheirs like 5 mons you can find in their 4 of them are exclusive to it
lemoniteniteoh that's the one
darkeryetdarkermy fav mon from here is still my shiny helluster
ColosoalAnd open it
ColosoalYou go to teh sewers entrance
lemonitenitewhat to do with crowbar
PunchedFruitI think you might like Crustle ngl
darkeryetdarkerheh my would be my golden druidune but i have something greater
ILoveCrustlemy golden furret is my favourite pokemon (except crustle, crustle #1 forever)
ViralMagnumTyphlothere's no key for the sewers since the map is not finished
mapleaudinoi hate when i get stuck in the pc box from releasing pokemon
Icymossthe text at top is the most resent update
lemoniteniteI already picked that up randomly
darkeryetdarkerit always gets new stuff
Silkeregnits under constant development, just check the discord
ColosoalUpdates from time to time
ilovewilliamoh okay!! thankyou
ColosoalIt’s a crowbar
lemoniteniteit's constantly updated
Silkeregnits updated all the time
ColosoalIt isn’t a key
JadeAmuletlike i think fortnite is technically still in beta
ColosoalThat’s the neat par
ilovewilliamwait so it hasnt been updated for long
lemonitenitewhere sewer key q.q
darkeryetdarkeralso it being playble since like 3 years
JadeAmuletits a real ass game, its just one of those games thats technically beta
ColosoalWe are here till gta 27 is out
ILoveCrustleuntil silksong comes out
ViralMagnumTyphlothe beta it's eternal
lemonitenitethere's some completed regions, some new
ColosoalThis is just teh beginning and we have like 12 regions
darkeryetdarkereh this game is like 18 years old soooooooo
ilovewilliamhow far into beta is this MMO? if any of u know! :D
Pekkaton86where do I go to revive a fossil?
lemonitenitewhere the sewer key btw
ILoveCrustletime to start stone farming
lemoniteniteat the starting area
darkeryetdarkerthen do the 2v2 battle and done
MikeDevilClown man
lemonitenitego to the clown man
ILoveCrustlefind all 4 assistants and talk to clown man
lemonitenitego around the island and talk to the people with icons on their head
MikeDevilThere no ? Mark to go to
MikeDevilHow i beat the tutorial
lemoniteniteu can ask in the discord
lemonitenitewell I can trade another Mon anytime once u got a spare
lemonitenitemayyyybe ? idk that didn't happen to me
MikeDevilWas that the reason?
darkeryetdarkernot really annoying since heh... *would you like to lose around a hour of progress bc you forgot to save?*
lemonitenitemm yeah idk
lemonitenitedid u finish the tutorial
mapleaudinois there a manual save option
lemoniteniteyeah it was
MikeDevilU said was automatically saved