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Jext ★, AlphaTwin032, Jayalone, afkei, Mellithae, rawdogga, stani420, Cannor, Hilltop_Zephyr, Ryo1shinogi0yari, YamiLevar, SanguineSol, Deep_sea_lily, Lady_Vengeance, Eidothea, atlasrune, bloxavise, Doople, Estiklapisse, Droncar, Ihazkirbro, Akram09, SponsoredPost, scumgrifter, FlyingDutchGirl28, Goten, XenoReality, SM3W1, BriennaCombatir, FlameRunner32, vigg1448, Bern, RydenTan, Astronimal, ILoveCrustle, Alro, ItsCarrot, Fierkun, SRaDa
ILoveCrustlecongratulations! (just kidding)
ColosoalThat’s the neat part primal
ColosoalMy mons keep disappearing
Primalthen dont do the thing you're doing colosoal
Silkeregnwhats its name
lemonitenitewhy r u white
ColosoalMan I’m just not motivated :(
Silkeregnwell thanks for showing it of
ILoveCrustlecan't you just... take a screenshot with your phone?
lemoniteniteI took a screenshot
MajiNVegetaI am on mobile i dont know what button for screenshot
ILoveCrustleoh boy, back to the safari for more pokemon grinding
Silkeregnits outside
lemoniteniteI wanna see too
lemoniteniteno like which room in the tavern
Silkeregnwhats the screenshot button again
Primalyou hit travel and then select the region you wanna go in
Silkeregnthe tavern
lemonitenitewhich room
Silkeregnits actually sick
Primalthis npc
MajiNVegetaI am AT wildroot tavern
Silkeregnim gonna go see vegetas rat
ILoveCrustleamoonguss is such a silly pokemon
lemoniteniteit's so flat lol
Primalgimme a min cory
lemonitenitethank uu
Silkeregnwhere can we find you vegeta
ColosoalAnyone else having proplems with mons disappearing from your party
cory239primal how do i leave like the spawn area the guys wiht a wing icon above their head
Silkeregnoh nvm
Silkeregnwheres the checkmark
lemonitenitethen click checkmark
Silkeregnbeen a while since I traded
Silkeregnis clicking "offer as trade" all I need to do?
lemoniteniteyea sure lol
Silkeregnonly if they want to
Primaland hold hands
Silkeregnwe should take a screenshot or something
Silkeregnat the docks with Lemon
MajiNVegetaWhere are u
ILoveCrustlei've spent a grand total of 181 hours in this game
SilkeregnI want to see it
Silkeregnthats actually sweet
Silkeregnreally vegeta?
BannanaRaccoonAre hordes in Retro Kanto just random or is there a way to get them easier
MajiNVegetaShiny obliterate
lemoniteniteI can travel to the harshlome docks
Silkeregnwhere ya at
MikeDevilYeah im too new to this game
lemoniteniteI just want the mon itself really
Silkeregnokey ill give ya the lonely
lemoniteniteeither is ok
lemonitenitecan I get naive
Silkeregndo you want the lonely one?
ILoveCrustlei have the weirdest naming scheme for my pokemon
lemoniteniteyea I only trade away my hub guys
Silkeregnone is Naive and other is Lonely
lemonitenitethe leilyne
lemoniteniteoo can I get it silk
lemoniteniteoh wait it only trades ur mons u obtain here
Primaldid you do the tutorial?
MajiNVegetaI am looking for a shiny
cory239how do i leave the spawn area
Silkeregnah aight, thought you were looking for one
Silkeregndo you want it?
SilkeregnI found another Leilyne
cory239i have a question
MikeDevilThe spoojy haunted Boro region
MikeDevilIm at the enterance
MikeDevilOk lemon