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lemonitenitethere's a cheese quest ?
SolReborn_04How do you leave a region
Silkeregnwho was it that needed cheese in harshlom
Primalwhich region are you on?
MikeDevilAh kk
Primalrica, you gotta beat 2nd gym
Primaldepends on the region. In kanto you gotta beat up E4 to get global pc
MikeDevilHow i get global  pc ?
✏skur ★If its more than 1 thing I cant help
lemoniteniteas I said earlier, only if u have global PC, if not it stays on hub island
✏skur ★Tell people who lose rayquaza to ping me on the discord
✏skur ★hopefully this is solved now for sure
MikeDevilBtw lemon  does mobpup able travel other regions?
lemonitenitethank skur
✏skur ★that was very annoying
Primalskur saves the day
lemonitenitethe leilyne u gave me is fine
✏skur ★gave wako his eevee back with raised happiness
MikeDevilThx skur
MikeDevilYay ty
Silkeregnnot a yellow one tho :((
MajiNVegetaDoes thé pokémons people Lost was on there parties?
Silkeregnwehehehe found another Leilyne
mapleaudinois cherrim supposed to always be sunny
✏skur ★After the refresh
✏skur ★Check if that Cacnea is in your party
✏skur ★In fact, refresh
✏skur ★Should be
MikeDevilSkur is the auto saved fixed ?
Primalya u get a skiddo through quest
✏skur ★WakoDoodle
MikeDevilYay thx
lemoniteniteI got skiddoo in rica
✏skur ★Mike, I sent you your Cacnea back
Primalskur can you give me a skiddo just for funsies
ProfessorPthere is in Rica
✏skur ★what level?
✏skur ★Wako, your Eevee
BannanaRaccoonIs there a false swipe team
✏skur ★What was the one you got..?
SilkeregnI decided to keep the one with the good nature
Silkeregnyeah you gave me a lonely leilyne, but the one I gave to lemon was lonely
lemoniteniteuntil then its only in the hub
lemonitenitenope unless u have global PC available
✏skur ★Did the game not give it?
✏skur ★I tried giving you the Leilyne, Silk
MikeDevilBtw lemon is robot pup able travel other rwgions ?
lemoniteniteno just regular
lemoniteniteyeah it's the baive one
✏skur ★or just normal
Silkeregnand now my game is frozen
✏skur ★Was it shiny, lemon
MajiNVegetaWhats going on
SilkeregnPrimal the one I lost wasnt lonely
lemoniteniteyeah I gave a cacnea to Mike, the beat up kind
atlasruneMan, getting this Mightiro to like me is pain.
WakoDoodleatm I'm just getting over the fact I did the bastion with a drenchest by accident XD
Silkeregndo you remember the nature of the other one
Primalarent we all
MikeDevilSkur i got cacena from Lemon
Silkeregnbut I caught two
lemoniteniteyea lonely
WakoDoodleI'd appreciate it skur, but take your time
MikeDevilThx Skur
✏skur ★i mean, WAko
Silkeregnwasnt the one I gave you lonely?
✏skur ★ill give it back, Mike.
lemoniteniteit's still in my box
WakoDoodleim gonna just take a break for a moment then, rip eevee
MikeDevilKnew it
lemoniteniteyea lonely
WakoDoodleaparently it reset that too
SilkeregnI believe it should be around 31, lemon do you remember the nature I said it was
ColosoalI think teh egg near the chapel is a dimwrath
✏skur ★I need specifics if you were looking for something
✏skur ★Silk, what was the details of your Leilyne
lemonitenitewhat's in the egg in the hole near the chapel
Primalit went off to eat
mapleaudinoeevee went to go eat too and got lost 😭😭
WakoDoodlegonna check bastion see if its refrenshed before I bought it
Primalwell it did the same
Silkeregnin case you refresh and its gone
WakoDoodleall I did was go eat XD
SilkeregnVegeta you need to make sure to screenshot your shiny rat
Primalas skur said, it got deleted
✏skur ★Patience, please
WakoDoodleI was raising it happiness too
WakoDoodleyeah my eevee is gone D:
ColosoalGuess I have to ask THE GREAT JEXT
Silkeregnwill it be the same nature?